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1st Chakra- Root

Root/ Base Chakra (Mūlãdharã)

“I am”
Honors the Earth- Take Root

Located: at the base of the spine
Deals with: Survival
Blocked by: Fear
Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus
Planet: Earth, Mars, Saturn, Pluto
Day: Tuesday
Symbol: Swastika
Element: Earth
Yin/ Yang: Yang
Reiki Symbol: Cho Ku Rei
Reiki Benefits: Relieves pain and discomfort
Aura Layer: Etheric Layer
Yoga Pose: Warrior 1 Pose Tree Pose

Tarot Majors: The Emperor, The Devil, The World
Deity: Gula, Kali, Durga, Shakti, Artemis, Ganesh
Archangels: Cassiel, Metatron, Samael, Jophiel, Gabriel, Sandalphon, angels of the earth
Archetype: The Earth Mother- The earth mother archetype returns us to a safe and nurturing place within. It connects and grounds us with the energy of Mother Earth, reminding us of our earthly purpose. Let the Earth Mother hold you in her loving arms so you can walk your path without fear and shed the shadow archetype of the victim. Reclaim your connection to her wisdom and reclaim your connection to your true self.
Animal Symbol/ Animal Totem: Elephant, snake
Virtue: Purity
Sin: Lust
Place on the Ladder: The Vivi of Vivi- releases frustrations/blockages, allows healing, manifestation, and physical pleasure
Energy: Action
Effect: Warming
Color: Red, Black
Balancing Color: Green, Blue
Breathing Practice: Dirgha breath (complete breath)
Identity/ Spectrum of Awareness: Physical
Subtle System: Innocence
Musical Note: C (drums)
Function: Centering/ grounding
Purpose: Survival
Lesson: Self Preservation
Challenges: Fear
Rights and Responsibilities: To have, to be here
Sense: Smell
Gland: Adrenal Glands
Anatomy: skeleton, teeth, legs, feet, elimination system, kidneys, bladder, blood, spinal column, skin, adrenals, ovaries, testes, circulatory system
Illnesses: Constipation, diarrhea, UTI, cold hands or feet, kidney stones, irrational fears, financial problems
Key Words: Patience, Order, Safety, Stability, Prosperity, Grounding, Trust, loyal, secure
How Witchcraft effects your Chakras: Grounding in earthly life as a divine manifestation.
Creative Exercise: Create a nature mandala
Nature/ Healing Therapy: Gardening, go for regular walks or jogs, walk bare footed, spend time in the sun, hiking, earth sitting, play, good eating, sound sleep, working with hands, grounding, dance
Effects: Courage, stability, security, financial abundance, easy manifestation, centering, focusing, success in the physical world, grounding, physical wellbeing, strong survival instincts, innocence, purity, simplicity, inner wisdom, dignity, purpose and direction, connection to earth, harmony with nature, Physical strength, increased heart rate, fear or courage, passion, ability to focus on physical goals

What is the Root Chakra?

The Root chakra, or Mūlãdharã, is the first of seven energy points in the body situated below the sacrum bone in which resides the kundalini, and its main aspect is the innocence. Innocence gives us dignity, balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. It is nothing but simplicity, purity, and joy. It connects to our sense of groundedness as well as instincts for survival. Its inner state is stillness and stability. It is where we try to find balance in terms of survival and grounding.

It rules the physical body manifestation and ability to ground the energy field. It is the source of the survival instinct and life force. It is your survival and security center. It’s the root of one’s individuality, stability, and point of inner stillness that is anchored. It controls how well one functions in the physical world. It controls your animal instincs and fear. If it is out of balance, struggles may ensue and the Root chakra is the most common chakra to be weakened.

The root chakra is your Physical body support, the foundation of your emotional health. This chakra radiates a feeling of belonging in a community or tribe. It is your most basic needs; it is your physical needs, manifestations, material world, and animal instinct. It deals with physical survival issues, such as safety, security, fear, insecurity, financial independence, and food.

It can be about getting back to nature and about having our basic physical needs met; self-preservation and animal instinct. The challenge to overcome to ensure this chakra is not blocked is fear. The root chakra is our survival center and represents our connection with our physical body, environment, and the earth.  Words such as “grounding” and “support” are often used to describe the state of this primal chakra as well as abundance and valor.

The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don’t unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory. You have family connections, a community, and your own tribe. The Root chakra, being the first chakra, is the most physical one. This means that any activity that makes one more aware of the body, will strengthen this chakra.

This particularly goes for physical activity. One can do sports, martial arts, walking, yoga, Taichi, it all helps. But also house-cleaning, manual dishwashing and car-cleaning. It is important not to do things that make one insensitive to pain and not to overdo it. Exhaustion is not good.

The Root Chakra is connected to your health and sense of security. Blockages in this area can lower sex drive, cause lethargy, and increase susceptibility to illness. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You’d easily feel unwelcome. Fear blocks the root chakra. When over-active, this Chakra encourages selfishness and antisocial behavior. You may be very materialistic and greedy. You’re probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.

Balancing this chakra gives energy to the physical body, controls fear, increases overall health, and helps in grounding.

Balanced Attributes: Stability

Imbalanced Attributes: Scattered energies

Signs of Balance

You feel stable, safe, secure, in good physical health with energy, able to manifest, grounded, centered, comfortable in body, trust in the world, ability to relax and be still, channel higher energy and inspiration into creativity, calm, let go of the past, courageous, improved survival, good circulation, healthy sexuality, abundant, connected with nature, trusting the universe, understanding the flow of life, confident, controlled, prosperous, good family connections, organized, sense of belonging, manifesting abundance, limitless energy, secure, you have a career, a good money mindset, a sense of belonging

Signs of Imbalance

Signs of Deficiency: Disconnected from the body; feel blocked, frustrated, inferior, lethargic, insecure, angry, resentful, lustful, temperamental, you mind is stuck in the past, feaful, anxious, restless, struggle with financial difficulty, chronic disorganization, headaches, sciatica problems, physical abuse, depression, need to satisfy own desires and wishes over others, irrational fears, self-esteem issues, immune disorders, fatigue, insomnia, lower back pain, lacking discipline, spacey, resists structure, depleted, helpless, ungrounded, skin disorders,  low sex drive, unsafe, underweight, poor boundaries, hopeless,

Signs of Excess: hoarding, material fixation, greed, fear of change, overeating, rigid boundaries, unhealthy cravings, obesity, laziness, bowel disorders, foot and leg problems, gambling, insecurity, alienated, greedy, egotistic, selfish, sexual focus is solely genital, dominating

Foods that Stimulate the Chakra: protein, root vegetables, minerals, foods that grow deep in the earth, foods for immune, skeletal, and adrenal systems, beets, carrots, radish, tomato, strawberry, onion, potato, garlic, spinach, red berries, parsnips, rutabaga, apples, pomegranates, cherries, red peppers, watermelon, paprika, red beans, kidney beans, raspberries, grapefruit, cranberries

Just as the Root chakra extracts energy from the Earth for its vitalization, the Crown chakra is nourished by its connection to life force energy of the Divine.

“Eating provides the opportunity for an intimate relationship with the earth through our bodies.” –Deanna Minich

Sacred Sites/ Earth Chakras: Orion’s Belt. Thornborough, Yorkshire. Externsteine Rocks, Germany. Mt Shasta, California, Bath/ Hot Springs        

Stones/ Crystals: Stimulate your Root chakra with crystals of earthly colors such as brick reds, blacks, and browns. These can improve fertility and sex drive, ease menstrual problems, blood disorders, frigidity and inhibition, and increase courage. Red jasper, red tiger’s eye, garnet, red calcite, smoky quartz, black onyx, hematite, obsidian, snowflake obsidian, carnelian, black tourmaline, ruby, bloodstone, coral, rhodonite, jet

Oils: Woody and fresh oils stimulate the Root Chakra when it is blocked or under-active and antiseptic oils help antidote it when it is over-active.  Massage or inhalation are good ways to stimulate and antidote this energy center. or persistent problems, make an aromatherapy cream for regular application to the base of the spine. Inhale the oils from a small, dark bottle to antidote the Root Chakra. Blend your oils to benefit your Root Chakra and keep illness and feelings of tiredness at bay. Use Cedarwood, rosewood, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, Ylang Ylang, pine, cypress, cloves, cinnamon, vetivert, ginger, Peppermint (Cooling oil that gently stimulates the Root chakra), Tea tree (renowned for rebalancing properties), Eucalyptus (cool and refresh the Root chakra)

Where to apply oils: Base of the spine or bottom of the feet

I am safe
I am grounded
My energy is grounded
I have all that I need
I am at peace with my surroundings
The Earth supports me and my needs
There is enough for everyone, including myself
I belong and have a right to be here
I am fully supported
I am enough
I listen to my inner truth
I honor myself and care for my needs
I have the right to be me exactly as I am
I trust more and fear less
I love my body
I am rooted and grounded in life
I nourish my mind, body, and spirit
I have everything I need for an abundant life


Mantra: Mantra: LAMM pronounced LANG

In the meditation for the root chakra, place the backs of your hands on your knees. Form a circle with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The index and thumb should touch. Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus. By contracting the muscles that are between the anus and the genitals, the Root Chakra is stimulated. At each inhalation, contract these muscles inward, at each exhalation, relax. Do this for a few minutes.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,