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Anti-Depression Spell Jar

Depression is hard to deal with some days. Some days you’ve got this! Other days, not so much. I can say this from personal experience as depression is something I have struggled with for years.

Jar spells are great! They do so many things and this jar spell is great to have on hand when you need a mood booster. This jar is here for a little aromatherapy uplifting whenever you need it. The different scents mixing together are so fresh and delightful. I felt better right away.

– A jar of your choice
– Rosemary and rosemary essential oil for uplifting
– Orange essential oil and orange zest for uplifting and cheerfulness
– Rose petals for (self) love
– Rose quartz for (self) love
– Salt to hold the oils and for banishing sadness and negativity
– Cascarilla powder (eggshell powder) for banishing
– A zester and a funnel are also helpful
– Decorations for your jar

I have been feeling down as of late due to stress, missing my friends who are thousands of miles away, and also excessive weight gain from medications. I thought this would be the perfect thing to work as a pick me up! It actually did work too. Between the concentration of making it and then just sitting there inhaling the pleasant aroma, I feel much better.

To begin with, open the jar of your choice and place the funnel on top. There is no proper way to add the ingredients. If you want to mix it all up beforehand, go ahead! If you want to add them one at a time like I did, then that works too! Add the salt, cascarilla powder, rosemary, orange zest, and rose petals to the jar. When I was almost to the top, I added 3 smooth rose quartz stones and then dripped 10 drops of each essential oil on them to drop down into the jar. You don’t have to do 10. You can do however many gives you the perfect scent. You could also mix the oils in the salt and then add everything together. Finally, I capped the bottle (but did not seal it) and decorated the neck with sinew, beads, and shells.

Whenever you are upset, uncork the bottle and focus on the scents. Breathe them in deeply and picture the scents swirling around you protectively before entering your body, purifying all the negativity and sadness trapped inside of you.

Obviously this is not meant to replace professional help but it is a great temporary coping skill to help when life was particularly rough on you that day and you need a boost. If you are truly struggling, please seek help from a doctor/psychologist. If you are suicidal, please seek help immediately!

24/7 American Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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