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Caring for, Cleansing, and charging your Tarot and Oracle Deck Part 2

Crystals are a great addition to tarot. Use crystals before a reading to help meditate and clear your energy and lift your vibration before doing a reading. You can place crystals on top of your deck while you aren’t using them as well. This will help clear your deck of any negative or confused energies. You can also place some crystals on your reading table. Depending on what crystals you use, this can help bring in positive, healing, and supportive energy. And finally, you can use them to help manifest your intentions. Choose a tarot card that represents what you are wanting to create in your lie. Now choose a crystal to charge with your intention. Hold both in your hands as you visualize the outcome and then carry the crystal with you to bring about your manifestation.

Now for when to cleanse your deck. You should cleanse your deck when:

  • When other people have touched your cards
  • when you buy a new or second hand tarot deck
  • when you have done a particularly draining tarot reading
  • when your cards have been sitting dormant and unused for an extended period of time
  • When you or your cards have been exposed to a lot of negative energy such as a negative client or a challenging personal situation
  • When your tarot readings are beginning to feel unclear, disconnected, or stuck
  • When your cards have fallen on the floor or had some other sort of accident
  • When you simply want to reconnect with your cards

Fresh air: just after a rain shower or even in the warmth of the sun, place your cards outside to take in the fresh air and draw in the cleansing rays. Keep in mind windy positions or water damage.

Elemental clearing: Elemental clearing brings your awareness to using different techniques that are aligned with each of the four elements used in tarot. For example, for earth clearing, use a salt burial; for water clearing, use a moon bath or sprinkle water on your cards; for fire clearing, pass your cards over a candle; for air clearing, use a smudge stick.

Salt burial: salt can be used to draw out negative energy from your cards. Wrap your tarot deck in a plastic bag as tightly as you can. Place your wrapped tarot deck in a container that is larger than you r tarot deck, place your wrapped cards in and completely surround them with salt on all sides, above, and below. Keep your cards buried in the salt for a few days and up to a week before taking them out and disposing of the salt.

Earth burial: For an especially strong and unpleasant energy, you may decide to bury the deck in the earth for seven days or for the period from the full moon to the first sliver of the new moon. Visualize mother earth absorbing all negative energies.

incense: you can either pass the entire deck through incense or you can organize your deck of cards into their respective suits (major arcana, wands, pentacles, swords, and cups). Pass the cards through the smoke of the incense of your choice. Copal resin, white sage, and frankincense are a great one for this task. Shuffle them together and they are ready.

Smudge: Burn dried sage or rosemary and pass the cards through the smoke several times. You can also cleanse any crystals that you plan to use during this process.

Recharging your deck

Crystals: Crystals can also be used for recharging your deck. In this method, you place a crystal that calls out to you on top of the tarot deck. You can use amethyst, rose quartz, clear quartz, or any crystal that works for you. Quartz is a wonderful absorber of energies and it is no bad thing to keep one with your tarot whenever you store it away.

Moon energy bath: Place the deck on your window sill where it can catch the moonlight. The energies of the moon can recharge the cards. The full moon and new moon are great times for this. Moon energy is feminine, intuitive, and creative.

Sun energy bath: In this method, the cards are placed in direct sunlight. Usually a couple of hours of being bathed in warm sunlight does the trick for charging the cards. In comparison to the moon, the sun represents masculine, logical, and clarity filled energy. With the sun, there are no phases to consider. You can also charge your cards in a couple of hours as opposed to all night.

Breath of life: In this method, you hold your cards and envision a bright white light cocooning over your cards. Envision any impurities and negative energies leaving and only power and light passing through the deck. Breathe into you deck by placing your deck to your mouth and asking the deck for guidance, love, light, and truth. Finally, hold the deck to your heart for 5 heartbeats.

Emergency deck cleanse: This is one you can use when you are pressed for time between readings or someone has just handled your deck without permission just before you need to read with it. Simply knock 3 times on the back of the deck with your dominant hand to shake loose the unwanted energy and then blow on it to infuse it with your own energy.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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