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Birthstone: August
Meaning: Strength, Power
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart
Zodiac: Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Leo
Planet: Mars
MOH’s Scale: 7
Element: Earth, Air, Fire
God/Goddess: Horus, Isis, Allah
Anniversary Gift: 17th

Carnelian can be yellow, orange, red brown, and all colors in between. The orange to dark red shades get their color from the presence of iron in the stone. Carnelian is a type of chalcedony agate made of silicon dioxide. Carnelian is a hexagonal crystal system that often appears in solid masses rather than prisms. Popular for carving into rings or seals, it also makes fine cabochons.

Carnelian, one of the oldest gemstones and protective stones in history, was once carried by Egyptians as a source of energy and constant renewal of energy. The magic of carnelian. Among the many legendary powers surrounding carnelian are its remarkable qualities as a stone of protection and of great spirituality. It provides protection and was referred to as the protection stone of warriors. Carnelian dispels apathy. It was placed, as magical armor, in tombs for life after death. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of papyrus scrolls that record in hieroglyphic text the wisdom of ancient priests and the experiences of the soul in the afterlife. Carnelian has been known to recycle past life experiences and speed up the laws of karma

Carnelian Flame Crystal from WhiteMagicalAlchemy

Carnelian is mentioned a number of times in this book as it was thought by the Egyptians to be a protective stone and was used in many amulets, particularly those placed on the mummies of the rich and powerful to protect souls after death. A ‘tet’ (also called tyet) amulet made of carnelian was often placed on the mummy’s neck and wrapped in the bandages to protect the soul of the departed in the afterlife and was thought to protect their loved ones in their journey to the afterlife and calm their fears about rebirth. According to legend, the goddess Isis shed tears of blood upon the death of her husband, Osiris. The tears turned into carnelian that she then shaped into a tet amulet. Isis placed the tet around the neck of Osiris to protect her husband as he journeyed to the underworld. Some even say that it has the power to see into past lives and resurrect the dead.

Carnelian Tet amulet, New Kingdom

Throughout history, carnelian has been attributed protective powers. Many cultures employed amulets of carnelian to ward off evil, from the Buddhists of China and India to the ancient Celts and Romans. In Islam, it was called the Mecca stone and used as an amulet against the evil eye. Muslims also believed that engraving the name of Allah on carnelian would promote courage in the bearer. Carnelian is to the devil as garlic is to vampires and does an excellent job of keeping them away.

In Buddhism, carnelian represented such qualities as faith, perseverance, and wisdom. Even in more modern times, the German literary figure, Goethe, connected powers of protection, luck, comfort, and hope with carnelian.

Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra stone. It increases personal power and psychic energy. Carnelian has been used to help people astral travel since the days of Ancient Egypt. This technique usually takes a lot of practice before you succeed but perseverance is the key when trying to project astrally.

Witch Tip: For help in astral travel, hold a fairly translucent flat piece of carnelian in front of a candle. Try to make sure there is no other light source in the darkened room. Gaze into the candle flame through the crystal and try and move your awareness through the carnelian like a door through to the flame on the other side.

Wear this to prevent other people from reading your thoughts and deflect any lower vibrations that can influence your mind. It has a clearing effect, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones. It prevents emotions such as hatred, anger, envy, and jealousy. Carnelian is believed to calm anger and banish emotional negativity, replacing it with love. Carnelian is valued in crystal therapy as a stone of great spirituality that can be used for mental and physical healing. This is a stone that encourages energizing activity while promoting helpfulness, idealism and community spirit. It can enhance peaceful and harmonious feelings and is an aid against depression. This can make it easier to find direction and its grounding effects can make it easier for you to feel in control of your life.

Witch Tip: Citrine’s abundance attracting energy is multiplied when combined with carnelian and tiger’s eye.

The iron present in the stone is said to make it effective in the treatment of blood disorders, formation of new blood cells, and blocked arteries. Drinking carnelian water is said to help firm the skin by stimulating circulation and rinsing with carnelian water on a regular basis can aid in bleeding gums.

Witch Tip: To make carnelian water, leave a stone in a jar or glass of water overnight. Wearing carnelian jewelry on an ongoing basis may promote good digestion and is used for abdominal pain in woman. Use with citrine on the lower 3 Chakras for digestions.

Carnelian has been used to treat a number of organs in the body and is especially associated with the Sacral Chakra when treating digestive problems. Holding the stone against your back can also ease back pain. A smooth piece of carnelian may be used to gently massage the Root Chakra at the base of the spine. Slow clockwise circular strokes with carnelian at the base of the spine helps release blockages that can cause sexual problems.

Witch Tip: Trapped or compressed nerves cause severe back pain. Lie down and place carnelian, clear quartz, and selenite on or under your back. Carry or wear these crystals for chronic conditions.

Known as the stone of endurance that also brings warmth, it helps keep a sense of humor in the relationship. Orange carnelian rekindles passion that has faded in an otherwise loving relationship; it is good for commitment when matters are slow moving. Carnelian is an activating stone and can help you in realizing ideas and making plans manifest. Carnelian takes its name from the Latin word ‘cornu’, which means horn, and the stone is particularly associated with sexual energy and fertility by crystal healers.

Carnelian is said to encourage the Kundalini (sexual energy) to be more active, so can be considered an aphrodisiac in a sense. It Helps to remove inhibitions and strengthens our appetite for life. It Connects us to our emotional self, enriching intimate feelings and relationships. Due to these qualities, it is also a good stone to wear if you are trying to become pregnant. It activates the first 3 chakras to bring a surge of life force and creative energies. Both partners should wear carnelian jewelry while trying to conceive. When not wearing the jewelry, keep both sets together whenever possible to encourage the link between the crystals and yourselves. Carnelian was also believed to protect from miscarriage during pregnancy.

Witch Tip: Carry rose quartz and carnelian together nearby while you are trying to conceive.

Carnelian is a great crystal for fathers. As the stone of action, vitality, and physical strength, it is great for assertion without aggression. It is the stone of warriors Carnelian is great for stimulating curiosity and initiative, focuses attention to the present moments, and can be helpful in brain development in children to foster confidence.

The crystal of creativity and independence: a crystal of Uranus, your gleaming orange carnelian fills you with self-confidence and fertility in the way you most need, whether you need to launch an artistic venture or express yourself creatively in some other form. Carnelian is for the ambitious and desirous.

Carnelian is an excellent stone to place on your altar during Imbolc/ Candlemas due to its nurturing of fertility and creativity. It is a wonderful crystal for S.A.D. as it relights the fire within, helping you take action and find creative ways of getting through the darker months.

It is a wonderful stone to wear on a job interview, as it brings good luck and opportunity, awakening your hidden talents within. Carnelian aids in understanding the inner self and strengthens concentration. a stone of ambition and drive, This is an excellent crystal for the office or professional environment. It helps one to overcome the fear of public speaking, increases self-worth, sociability, trust, power, and is a fast acting stone to succeed in one’s career. This stone is helpful in making decisions and gives confidence.

Carnelian set in jewelry can help overcome shyness or social inhibitions. A pendant or necklace of carnelian around the neck can help energize the Throat Chakra and give you the courage to speak your mind and act on your decisions. You can also wear it in this manner if you are working on your voice and attempting to overcome timidity. It is said to increase and inspire courage without unnecessary aggressiveness. Strengthen the voice and boost effective communication.

By balancing creative and organizational abilities, this stone opens doors and creates a need to follow through on plans. It is excellent for self-employment and for the discovery of new interests and friends. Magically, this stone strengthens concentration and chances of success. It is also useful in firing up personal power, motivation, and leadership. It helps you to overcome parts of the personality that may be holding you back, allowing you to reach your goals. This stone helps overcome difficulties and assist in times of money venturing. A chunk of carnelian in the house or cabochon on a money clip will guard against poverty.

Witch Tip: Carnelian is an energizing stone. Carry a piece of carnelian in your pocket and rub it regularly when you feel good to build up a positive charge so you can draw upon its energy when you need to focus. Sometimes you can find it carved into a small egg, sphere, or worry stone- ideal for this purpose- but plain tumbled lumps will also work. To access the stored power, say:

“Spark of the day, flame of the sun, power of light, by this I pray, my will be done, lend me your might”

Witch Tip: Enhance your creativity with Vanadinite, orange calcite, and carnelian together are a trio that brings the obstacle removing properties of vanadinite with the courageous energy of carnelian and the sacral chakra healing properties of orange calcite. You are a force of creative genius and have the stamina and courage to bring your visions to life.

This is a stone that should be worn in direct contact with the skin to fully receive its benefits. Cleanse once a month under warm running water and recharge by place in the sun for a day. Carnelian cancels out amethyst as it connects more strongly with the body.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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