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Cat Whiskers

Cat whiskers are very magical! Cat whiskers are a wonderful item that you can use to enhance your craft, but what exactly are they? A defining characteristic of our furry companions, whiskers serve a multitude of important purposes aside from just adding to your pet’s cuteness. Whiskers are sensory organs, vital multifunctional tools for your cat’s sensory input and are needed to help them interact with their environment. A cat will often “feel” his way around with his whiskers before committing to a jump or squeeze through a tiny opening. They help them gauge distances and navigate tight spaces. From a built-in tape measure to night-vision goggles, whiskers are an essential part of your feline’s genetic makeup. 

Whiskers aren’t just hair follicles — they’re attached to your pet’s nervous and muscular systems. The hair itself is loaded with nerves, with an extra-sensitive tip called a proprioceptor, making for the optimal sensory tool. Whiskers are basically a sixth sense for our feline friends and allow them to sense more in their environment than we can through vibrations from their whiskers. Whiskers can pick up on subtle changes in air pressure and vibrations. This allows them to detect danger or prey, even when they can’t see it. The longer hairs around your cat’s little nose are visible, but cats actually have whiskers in other areas of their body as well. These little sensory whiskers are also above their eyes like eyebrows, in their ears, along their jaw, and on their legs. This allows for your cat to be able to sense prey, judge the size of small spaces and detect changes in the air all through these magic little hairs.

The placement of a cat’s whiskers is also significant. The outermost whiskers (on the sides of the face) are the longest and most mobile. These are used to gauge distances and help the cat judge whether it can fit through an opening. The shorter whiskers above the eyes and below the chin are called tactile hairs, which provide information about air movement and assist with hunting prey.

You can tell a lot about your cat’s mood based on the status of their whiskers. In a normal, relaxed state, your fur baby’s whiskers will be slightly droopy. When they’re feeling aggressive or threatened, they’ll be tensed up and pointing out to the sides. When your pet’s whiskers are pointing slightly forward, your cat could be feeling friendly or curious about their surroundings. When two cats meet, they will often touch noses and rub cheeks as a way of greeting each other and exchanging scent information. This is how they learn about each other’s individual smells, which is an important part of communication for cats.

In many cultures, the cat is associated with witchcraft and sorcery. Cat whiskers are powerful symbols in myth, folklore and ancient cultures, signifying good luck, spiritual growth, prophecy, telepathy and protection against negative energy. Whiskers help cats maintain balance and stability, and spiritually, they symbolize the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds, as well as the importance of maintaining equilibrium in life. Generally, they are associated with powerful goddesses, such as Bastet and Freya, due to their physical form, connection to the night and strong intuition. They represent an ancient respect for the spiritual realms, as evidenced by all the tales throughout history that depict cat whiskers with magical properties.

How does one use cat whiskers in their craft? Cat whiskers, once again, are very magical. In general, whiskers can be used in any spell, no matter what it is, to give it a huge magical boost. Cat whiskers serve as a physical guidance system, and spiritually, they represent the intuitive and psychic guidance that can lead individuals in the right direction. Cats are guardians and beings who exist on both sides of the veil. Cat whiskers afford us protection, especially when travelling in this and other worlds. Cats are said to walk between the worlds, after all.

Witch Tip: Use cat whiskers to aid in spiritual travel and divination works. They can be used to aid in astral ravel and prophetic dreams when placed near your bed as cats are believed to be able to travel between the spirit and mortal worlds, using their whiskers to feel their way around.

Another belief is that they signify the cat’s connection to the spirit world and their ability to see beyond the physical realm. Just as cat whiskers are incredibly sensitive to touch, they symbolize heightened sensitivity to energies, emotions, and vibrations in the spiritual realm. On a spiritual level, they represent a protective barrier against negative energies and forces.

Witch Tip: Place a few cat whiskers in your car or use them to create a traveller’s charm for protection and to avoid accidents. They can be stored in your glove compartment or a spell bag hanging from the rear-view mirror.

Black whiskers can be used for things you want to remain a secret. You can burn a whisker to boost manifestation. One old wives’ tale states that if you burn a cat whisker to make a wish, that wish will then come true. Whiskers are also said to be lucky charms, providing protection against evil spirits and bad luck. They are said to bring fortune to those who find them and can help us get past obstacles and to help our perceptions. Use them to boost any energy works or energy magic.

Witch Tip: Putting good luck and perception together, whiskers can help you to find lost items.

Black whiskers are often associated with strength and power, while white whiskers may represent wisdom and purity. Longer whiskers are often seen as a sign of good health, while shorter whiskers may be a sign of illness or stress.

Witch Tip: Black cat whiskers are especially powerful and are said to ward off evil spirits during astral travel if one is placed near your bed.

Important Note: There is one main and important rule for caring for a cat’s whiskers- DO NOT cut them or pull them out! Pulling them out can hurt them and removing them in any way, be it to pluck it or cut it, would be like cutting off one of their senses. It is very stressful for them and violates their boundaries and personal space. Besides being incredibly disrespectful, removing whiskers on purpose, especially in bulk, can leave your cat disoriented and confused, so leave this vital part of them alone to ensure comfort in their surroundings. Even if you own a cat with curly whiskers such as the Cornish Rex it is still important to leave their whiskers to grow and fall out naturally. Wait until they shed naturally. When they fall naturally, they are meant for you to find and use as you see fit. You will often find one or two a week if you keep an eye out.

Witch Tip: To find those whiskers, look in your fluffy goblin’s favorite spots, especially their favorite grooming locations. Keep an eye out for them before vacuuming and check the lint trap after you do laundry. I can’t tell you how many whiskers I have found in the lint trap. A bright flashlight can make spotting them much easier.

Witch Tip: Create a whisker bank to hold the fallen whiskers of your fury babies. You can create another for shed claws and keep them side by side. Any jar or bottle will do but they have some really cool ones on Etsy and Amazon as well.

Do you not own a cat? There are many cat owners who sell their cats’ naturally shed whiskers on sites like Etsy. The bank above was found on Etsy and the one below was found on Amazon. Find something that fits you!

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Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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