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The Witch’s Power Tarot Spread

This spread is wonderful for taking a deeper look at your craft and reaching out for methods to improve it. It is also an excellent way to plan on how to improve yourself and how you practice. We are always learning and sometimes we hit a plateau or deal with depression and it becomes hard to practice. This spread could potentially help out with both! The new year is upon us so this is the perfect opportunity develop a method or plan forward.

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The Art of Gift Giving Tarot Spread

Many people automatically think of tangible items when they hear the word gift but that is not necessarily true. You can give someone the gift of your time, the gift of an adventure together, the gift of empathy, and more. This spread can be interpreted as physical gifts, your own personal gifts, or a combination of both. The holidays are a tough time to think of gifts but maybe this spread will be able to help you out!

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One Day at a Time Tarot Spread

The pandemic has taken a toll on people as well as the holidays that have passed and the stress that comes with the holidays to come. Thanksgiving may be over but there are a good 21 winter holidays approaching across many different religions and, of course, New Years! But that is ok! Just take life one day at a time. That is all you can do sometimes and eventually, you make it through your stressful time and things calm down! This simple 2 card spread can be used each day (any day!) to help you work through any problems that may arise push you in the direction of an answer to your problem.

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Hidden Truths Tarot Spread

Sometimes people are not as honest as we would like, be it in love, finances, work, or life. This is an excellent tarot spread to help you discern the truth of a situation or someone’s words. Because EVERYONE deserves to know the truth.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events Tarot Spread

As we encroach on the holidays, it always seems like a lot of things tend to go wrong, be it people are out of work, or everyone is stressed about money and family, holidays are coming and no one seems ready. Whatever the reason, sometimes a long string of unfortunate events may seem to be taking place. This is a fantastic little tarot spread when all those bad things are happening and you want to get to the bottom of it and address it successfully.

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General Love Tarot Reading

To continue with some of the posts on love magic, I thought another love tarot variation would be appropriate. This tarot spread is perfect for someone who is looking to start a relationship or take their relationship to the next level.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Love, Lust, or Loss Tarot Spread

To keep with the love and sex magic themed posts, this is a great spread to explore your relationship with a person. This spread is better suited to someone you do not know as well. This is more for someone whom you are getting to know with intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Whispers of your Ancestors Tarot Spread

With Samhain and Dios de los Muertos happening in the next week, this ancestry contact tarot spread is perfect! Both of these festivals involve honoring your ancestors and sometimes even reaching out to communicate with them. Take the opportunity to light a black candle and call down your ancestors. Or you could even call down a specific ancestor by setting a personal item they possessed in life on your altar next to the black candle. Once you have decided which method you will use, shuffle your cards and lay them out for interpretation.

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Dearly Departed Tarot Spread

This tarot spread is perfect for this time of the year when the veil between our world and that of the deceased is at its thinnest. There is a full moon tomorrow so your powers of divination will be much enhanced. Many of us have lost loved ones over the years. Recently, COVID-19 deaths have escalated and many have succumbed to either the virus or the health complications that followed catching it. This tarot spread is an excellent option for communicated with those who have moved on without us and giving them an opportunity to leave one more impression on us.

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Financial Planning and Success Tarot Spread

I love planning for finances and ensuring that my money is good. It really improves my anxiety and depression to know that I am taken care of even in a small way. With the holidays coming, a lot of us tend to spend more money than we normally would throughout the year. And this is ok! Just make sure you are smart about it! I tend to spend more money in stores in the months leading up to Samhain. After that, I cut back again because I am just not as interested in the other fall/ winter holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. I do love Yule but sadly all of my friends and family live in different parts of the country so it isn’t as fun when you are alone. I celebrate Christmas with my Christian friends and Hanukkah with my Jewish friend. Whatever your celebration and spending is like, this tarot spread could help you plan the next few months or motivate you to be more careful in the future! Either way, there is no way NOT to benefit from this spread!

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Ouija Boards: Evil Spirits and Automatic Writing

Persons who claim to have encountered demons are usually publicity seekers who will try to make themselves feel or sound important by saying that they have experienced demons. A bad spirit is not necessarily a demon. What I mean by this is that Hitler was not a good person. He was a bad person. If you were able to contact him, he could be considered a bad spirit because of his actions in life. A poltergeist could also be considered a bad spirit because it is loud and can sometimes even be destructive. This is not necessarily a demon. Not all world religions recognize that there are such things as demons and their existence should be left to proper religious authorities. Most ghosts or entities are simply human beings who have become lost souls because they do not realize for one reason or another that they have died and are unaware that anything has changed.

Older than the Ouija board is the planchette itself which is used for automatic writing. This is a heart-shaped plaque, on legs or backed with felt with a small round hole in the center for a pencil to be inserted. Thus, words and numbers can be written rather than just indicated as on a Ouija board. The backing is usually half an inch or more thick so that the pencil point is supposed to perfectly level right angle to the paper. A planchette with legs may be purchased or if preferred one might be made from light wood such as balsa wood. This planchette is operated in exactly the same manner as is the one which comes with a board, holding it only with the fingertips. Either one person, two persons, or a group of no more than six may use the planchette.

Psychologists and psychiatrists tell us that automatic writing is a known phenomenon of the unconscious. it is thought to arise from somewhere in the unknown areas of the brain and to operate through the automatic nervous system of the body. This can be explained as similar to breathing or blinking which is automatically done without the person having to consciously think about it. The mechanism of the brain which is responsible for automatic writing May perhaps be in the same family, although many who practice it feel that their own bodies and hands are being manipulated by Spirit or some guiding force. The source of automatic writing may be the same as that which rules the operation of the Ouija board. It is hard to distinguish one from the other.

Often times people who experiment with this means of communication report that it feels as though their arm or hand no longer belongs to them, or as if someone or something else has taken control of the limb. The same safeguards should be used with automatic writing as those for the Ouija. Automatic writing can be interesting as well as rewarding for some although others may never get anything but aimless scrolls of the pencil on the tablet.

Common Superstitions Associated with the Ouija Board:

A Ouija board will scream if you try to burn it. People who hear the scream have less than 36 hours to live. There is only one proper way to dispose of it: break the board into 7 pieces, sprinkle it with holy water, and then bury it.

Witch Tip: Whether you believe that the planchette moves from spirits or the unconscious guidance of the sitters, be aware that Ouija boards can be misused. People of impressionable or nervous dispositions probably should not use a Ouija board because this may upset them or exacerbate their anxiety.

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How to Improve your Craft Tarot Spread

Many witches new to the craft will often ask how they can improve and grow. Even seasoned practitioners will ask this question. I am always asking this of myself because I know I am far from perfect and will always have room for improvement and there will always be things I do not know. This tarot spread is perfect for giving yourself a little guidance to help your craft grown and thrive. Consider doing this spread every couple of months as that is about how long it usually takes for you to stagnate or finish pursuing a subject and be ready to move on to the next.

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Ouija Boards: Contacting Spirits

The best known case of spirit communication was the subject of several books, most recently singer in the shadows, which can be obtained at most libraries. The case involved a spirit calling itself Patience Worth, who had apparently lived in an earlier century, and was a frustrated poet and novelist. Through the Ouija board and several other forms of spirit communication, a huge amount of poetry and fiction was received over a long period of years. This was the longest sustained period of communication between an entity and a living person. The material makes for some very interesting reading. In her daily life, the communicator was neither a poet nor a writer and seemed to have no more than a mediocre education in the arts. It was decided, therefore, that she could not have been the source of volumes of words, sentences, and rhymes which flowed forth from the voiceless Patience Worth.

Through the board, it is fairly common for sitters to contact an entity who claims to be the ghost or Spirit of someone who has once lived. It is better to have a talk about the intended contact before the session, show pictures or photos to all the sitters, discuss the person and his or her life, but do not take these photos, pictures, or articles into the room. If you feel you have made contact with the person you intend to reach, you should have prepared a list of key questions which are to be asked these questions might include secrets or facts known only to the dead person himself or herself or known by one of the sitters who is not working the board. After a session or sitting, this information can be discussed, checked out with the known information about the person contacted which may be known to other persons, or can be checked in public records.

Communication can often be frustrating, as the planchette may move only slowly, or give fragmentary or partial answers, or may choose not to answer some questions at all. It is also possible that incorrect answers may be given either one time or several times during a sitting. if this is the case, the contact may be repeated in another sitting. It is usually best not to try a second session on the same day or evening, but to let some time elapsed before trying again to get answers needed for identification.

Often, much of the information is merely gibberish or indecipherable scraps of words and sentences, you may have to ask for answers to questions to be repeated more than once. If this occurs, it is best to leave the source and request another, or to discontinue the session until the giver stops or another source comes through on the board. A majority of people will encounter this type of communication more often than any other. It should be determined if this continues whether one of the sitters is exerting more force on the planchette than necessary, and thereby causing it to give the scrambled message. Be certain that only a light, fingertip touch is on the planchette at any time. Otherwise, scrambled garbled messages will result. It would also be wise to choose persons who do not fear the unknown to a great extent. In fact, the more stable the individual is, the better partner he or she might prove in such a sitting. Even a person who is or has been totally skeptical might make a good partner in an investigation or experiment of this type.

It has been theorized that in most cases, a ghostly presence is completely unaware that he or she has died, and is, in essence, still living in the house or structure. It is true that in most cases of actual hauntings, the ghost or presence has no knowledge that anyone else might be in the house. This is easier to understand if you imagine that the actual haunting is more like the replaying of a videotape on a VCR, and that past events are repeating themselves over and over, unaware the time has passed or the anything has changed. Therefore, it maybe difficult for you to make the ghost aware of you or the Ouija board you have brought as a means of communication. It could be that several sessions in the house may be necessary before good contact can be made. Sometimes contact is made almost immediately and the session can proceed without problems or interruptions.

The spirit may be questioned thoroughly and a complete record can be made of the answers. If you find there is an interruption to your session or that a second source seems to be trying to come you should ask:

  1. Is there someone else with us?
  2. Do you have something to say to us?
  3. How many people are there?

If you are given a name, then you may continue to ask questions using either or or both names. Or you can switch to the interrupting entity and begin the question and answer procedure from the beginning.

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Ouija Boards: How to use the Board

Set the board on the surface, with either a lace, linen cloth, or terry cloth table covering. This will prevent the board from sliding around on a smooth table top. It will also alert you if your partner is using body force to move the planchette, as the fabric underneath will develop ripples and bulges on the side toward a person who is using such body force. Even if you are working with someone you feel you can trust fully, it is possible for small, unconscious movements of the hand, arm, or body to affect the movement of the planchette across the board. Also, a stronger person might inadvertently overpower the weaker person. Position the planchette in the center of the board and have each participant place one or two fingers to it.

The operators can either place the index or index and middle finger lightly on top of the planchette at and close their eyes. Empty your mind of all thoughts. It may happen that the planchette will not move. If this is the case, you may just wait a while for it to move. If the arms get tired, take rest periods between attempts. Once the planchette begins to move, it may move very slightly, very slowly, or very rapidly. What is important is to keep the fingertips and even contact with it. Do not apply any more or less Force while it is moving. Any drag on the planchette can prevent it from moving correctly, or stop it from moving at all.

At the beginning, it is best to use one of the ordinary questions which have developed over the years:

  1. Is anyone here?
  2. Do you have anything you want to tell us?
  3. Do you wish to speak?
  4. Will you answer questions?

These questions may rouse movement from the board, and if so, questions should be repeated from time to time, to keep the messages flowing. Let the planchette move and try not to force it in any direction. It should move to each letter in turn, spelling out the spirit’s answer. Have a pad and pencil so that you or one of the operators, while keeping one hand on the planchette, can use the other hand to write down such information. Taping the paper or using a clipboard eliminates any possibility of curling or floating off the table while using the planchette and provides a smooth surface on which to work.

A darkened room creates an atmosphere for the participants, but it is not necessary for successful contact with the spirits. It certainly adds to the ambience of the mood and creates the right atmosphere though. People who have experience with the Ouija board method of communication often feel that a lighted white candle on the table beside the board, or on a nearby table, is a safeguard against the invasion of low plain spirits or evil entities. Whether or not this is true, the sitters may feel more confident if there is a candle burning nearby. It should be a white candle, or a blue candle, as these colors lend themselves well to this kind of quest into the spiritual world. Never use a red or orange candle, and certainly never use a black candle. These are colors that will inhibit communication with the spirits.

It is not a good idea to place any object on the table which belonged to a dead person. Avoid any other material which has associations with a death. It is possible to cause unnecessary fear, stress, or fright by this practice. This could be very dangerous to the health of any sitter with a problem involving blood pressure or irregular heart rhythm although it cannot be conclusively proven that communication with the dead is possible, it is better to use the Ouija board with some amount of good common sense and discretion. If it is really possible to contact those who have passed beyond the grave, then it can be done only through the human mind and with the assistance of the Ouija board. There is no need for any object or photograph to accomplish this.

questions should be carefully phrased so that they can be answered by a simple yes or no and worded so that as much information as possible can be gained. An example question could be:

  1. Is anyone there?
  2. Will you give us your name?
  3. What is your name?
  4. Are you female?
  5. Will you tell us when you were born?

With these questions, the sitters should begin to watch carefully and take notes of any letter or any number upon which the planchette stops. There are times when the planchette may move between two numbers or letters. If this happens, repeat the question and watch to see if it moves again. If not, then ask for clarification such as did you mean to show us the number eight? If the planchette moves to yes up in the corner, then you write down that number.

Often the Ouija board will attempt to spell things out, letter by letter, with no pauses to indicate the end of a word. If this happens during a sitting, it is best to record all of the letters while they are being indicated, and to separate the words after finishing, or during a regular rest period. If it helps, use a tape recorder on a nearby chair to pick up the letters or numbers as they are being given. Choosing one person to read the letters out loud is best so that there is less confusion when playing back the tape at some later time.

It sometimes happens that a message received on the board will instruct the sitter to perform a certain activity. If this does occur in your own experimentation, do not follow any such instruction or direction without careful thought and the use of common sense. If a warning is received concerning your own health, or that of a friend or loved one, do not panic and assume that the message is entirely true. Experience alone will tell you whether or not you can trust this information or advice. Predictions of death and disaster to come are common when using a Ouija board or other device of that type. Again, use your own judgment about taking such predictions as fact.

At the end of the session, it is considered helpful to alleviate stress by having a debrief afterwards where you share your personal feelings with your fellow sitters.

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Ouija Boards: The History and Rules of the Board

Happy 1st day of October witches! With October coming, more and more people become interested in the occult and trying new things. A lot of people are also similarly opposed to the Ouija board but just as many are willing to try it out. I have actually found 2 people who are willing to try using a Ouija with me this season so I will post an update later on how that went. I have one but never had the opportunity to try it out so I think this will be quite the experience!

A Ouija board, also known as a spirit board, talking board, oracle board, mystery board, witch board, or angel board, is a flat board used in a form of divination that creates a link between the world of man and the spirit realm using a medium or communicator to channel information from the spirit world. The use of the Ouija board allows for the delivery of spiritualistic and telepathic messages with the dead because originally, the board was thought to have been made from the wood of a used coffin. However, more accurately, one of the original creators of the Ouija board was a carpenter turned coffin maker turned undertaker, a quite normal transition of the time. The Ouija board is marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9, the words “yes”, “no”, “hello” and “goodbye”, along with various other symbols and graphics. It uses a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood or plastic) as a movable indicator to spell out messages during a séance. The theory is that spiritual forces will “push” peoples’ fingers on the planchette towards particular letters and numbers to spell messages and communicate from the afterlife.

A Ouija board is often used during a séance. These days, a séance is accessible to everyone, not just psychics, through tools such as a Ouija board, automatic writing, candles, and crystal balls. The séance is the central ritual of spiritualism and has provided thousands of ordinary men and women with the opportunity to gain access to the spirit world. The classic picture of a séance involves a medium playing the central role, but since the early days of Victorian spiritualism, people have practiced more accessible types of séance based around a Ouija board or similar set up. This method does not require special psychic powers and can be used by anyone.

Some may find the idea of a séance to be archaic or even frightening, but there are several reasons why it is a great method of contacting spirits. Several people working together can combine their individual psychic energies to produce a greater force. Following a formal ritual helps to put you in the right frame of mind. The spirits have a vast store of wisdom, which comes from their own experiences and the knowledge they have picked up from other spirits. Traditionally, most people attend a séance to speak to a friend or loved one who has crossed over to the spirit world to hear that they are fine.

The 1st Ouija Board

The 1st Ouija board was called a planchette and was a heart shaped piece of wood with a wheel at each corner and a pencil placed in the middle. The planchette would actually write or draw pictures from the spirit world. Ouija boards have figured prominently in horror tales in various media as devices enabling malevolent spirits to spook their users. Most often, they make brief appearances, relying heavily on the atmosphere of mystery the board already holds in the mind of the viewer, in order to add credence to the paranormal presence in the story being told.

It has been theorized that the Ouija board contacts some secret place in the depths of the subconscious mind of the sitter and not a spirit entity. It is possible that this is true and a great number of the cases that have been reported. In some cases however, things have occurred which have no precedent in any area of subconscious exploration, nor can they be explained by psychologists or psychiatrists. Usually when this happens, it fulfills the goal of most serious experimenters using the board to explore the next world. Whether you will experience any or all of these phenomena, no one can say for sure.

The Ouija board itself isn’t even 130 years old but the idea of using “talking boards” to communicate with spirits or ghosts is very ancient. Attempting to divine the will of the gods or spirits through earthly interpretation was common among many civilizations.

One of the first mentions of the automatic writing method used in the Ouija board is found in China around 1100 AD, in historical documents of the Song Dynasty. The method was known as fuji “planchette writing”. The use of planchette writing as an ostensible means of necromancy and communion with the spirit-world continued, and, albeit under special rituals and supervisions, was a central practice of the Quanzhen School, until it was forbidden by the Qing Dynasty. As a part of the spiritualist movement, mediums began to employ various means for communication with the dead. Following the American Civil War in the United States, mediums did significant business in allegedly allowing survivors to contact lost relatives.

Businessman Elijah Bond had the idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed, much like the previously existing talking boards that had been used for centuries. Bond filed on 28 May 1890 for patent protection and thus is credited with the invention of the Ouija board despite its history dating back far longer. An employee of Elijah Bond, William Fuld, took over the talking board production. In 1901, Fuld started production of his own boards under the name “Ouija”. Charles Kennard, founder of Kennard Novelty Company which manufactured Fuld’s talking boards and where Fuld had worked as a cabinet varnisher, claimed he learned the name “Ouija” from using the board and that the board told him it was an ancient Egyptian word meaning “good luck”. No Egyptian term like that actually exists but around that time, Egypt was exotic and all the rage so it was likely a marketing ploy to make the board sound exotic. When Fuld took over production of the boards, he popularized the more widely accepted etymology: that the name came from a combination of the French and German words for “yes”. While this may be the correct pronunciation for the French yes, it is not the correct pronunciation for the German yes. While “Oui” is “We”, “Ja” is pronounced “Yah”. Whichever theory is correct, it is a very recognizable word in today’s age.

The board started to acquire a sinister reputation almost immediately after its production. In 1919, J.G. Raupert published a book called The New Black Magic & The Truth About The Ouija-Board, in which he reported that doctors had told him about three people for whom “the use of the Ouija-board has brought about a state of dementia.”

The Ouija board was otherwise regarded as an innocent parlor game unrelated to the occult until American spiritualist Pearl Curran popularized its use as a divining tool during World War I. Allegedly, just before the outbreak of World War I, a spirit who called himself Isaac David Solomon used the board and made this prophecy: “Blood, blood, blood, everywhere. A great nation will fall; a small nation will rise; a great religion will stand in danger. News that will astonish the civilized world is at hand. Blood everywhere.” In 1935, 77 year old Herbert Hurd killed his wife Nellie after a Ouija board allegedly revealed he had given a lover $15,000. Nellie tortured Herbert until he was able to grab a gun and kill her. The death was ruled justifiable homicide.

Paranormal and supernatural beliefs associated with Ouija have been criticized by the scientific community and are characterized as pseudoscience. The action of the board can be most easily explained by unconscious movements of those controlling the pointer, a psychophysiological phenomenon known as the ideomotor effect. The ideomotor phenomenon is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. Parker Brothers bought the Ouija board in 1966, at which point it had outsold Monopoly with over 2 million sales. Parker Brothers still own the trademark to this day and to date, they are estimated to have sold up to 25 million boards.

Mainstream Christian denominations, including Catholicism, have “warned against using Ouija boards”, holding that they can lead to demonic possession. Since early in the Ouija board’s history, it has been criticized by several Christian denominations. The Catholic Church in the Catechism of the Catholic Church in paragraph 2116 explicitly forbids any practice of divination which includes the usage of Ouija boards. In 2001, Ouija boards were burned in Alamogordo, New Mexico, by fundamentalist groups alongside Harry Potter books as “symbols of witchcraft”. Religious criticism has also expressed beliefs that the Ouija board reveals information which should only be in God’s hands, and thus it is a tool of Satan. A spokesperson for Human Life International described the boards as a portal to talk to spirits and called for Hasbro to be prohibited from marketing them. These religious objections to use of the Ouija board have in turn given rise to ostentatious type folklore in the communities where they circulate. Cautionary tales that the board opens a door to evil spirits turn the game into the subject of a supernatural dare, especially for young people. Occultists, on the other hand, are divided on the issue, with some saying that it can be a tool for positive transformation; others reiterated the warnings of many Christians and caution “inexperienced users” against it. Aleister Crowley had great admiration for the use of the Ouija board and it played a passing role in his magical workings. Jane Wolfe, who lived with Crowley at Abbey of Thelema, also used the Ouija board. She credits some of her greatest spiritual communications to use of this implement.

Don’t drop that mirror or you’ll have bad luck for seven years.
Never let a black cat cross your path.
Throw salt over your shoulder to ward off bad luck.

We have all heard these admonitions before. Somehow it’s comforting to know that you might be able to ward off misfortune with a pinch of salt or a knock on wood. This is especially true when dealing with the unknown or something particularly scary. So it isn’t surprising that the Ouija board has its own set of rules and warnings. Do you really need to worry about these things, or are they just superstitions garnered from Ouija folklore? In the end, it is up to you whether you believe them or not but they are good guidelines to follow either way just in case.

  1. Never play alone.
  2. Never let the spirits count down through the numbers or go through the alphabet as it said they can get out of the board this way.
  3. If the planchette goes to the four corners of the board, it supposedly means that you have contacted an evil spirit.
  4. If the planchette falls from a Ouija board, a spirit will get loose.
  5. If the planchette repeatedly makes a figure eight, it means that an evil spirit is in control of the board.
  6. If you should get an evil spirit, quickly turn the planchette upside down and use it that way.
  7. The board must be “closed” properly or evil spirits will remain behind to haunt the operator(s) and/or those in the room/vicinity.
  8. Never use the Ouija when you are ill or in a weakened condition since this may make you vulnerable to possession.
  9. The spirit of the Ouija board creates “wins” for the user, causing him to become more and more dependent on the board. Addiction follows. This is called “progressive entrapment.”
  10. Evil spirits contacted through the Ouija board will try to win your confidence with false flattery and lies.
  11. Always be respectful and never upset the spirits. You should always be respectful regardless to both the living and the dead.
  12. Never use the Ouija board in a graveyard or place where a terrible death has occurred or you will bring forth malevolent entities.
  13. Witchboards are so named because witches use them to summon demons but really they are no different from any other Ouija board or “angel board”.
  14. Supposedly, the very first Ouija boards were made from the wood of coffins. A coffin nail in the center of the planchette window served as the pointer.
  15. Sometimes an evil spirit can permanently “inhabit” a board. When this happens, no other spirits will be able to use it.
  16. When using a glass as a message indicator, you must always cleanse it first by holding it over a burning candle.
  17. Ouija boards that are disposed of improperly come back to haunt the owner.
  18. A Ouija Board will scream if you try to burn it. People who hear the scream have less than thirty-six hours to live. There is only one proper way to dispose of it: break the board into seven pieces, sprinkle it with Holy Water then bury it.
  19. If you must use a Ouija board, make your own. Arrange the letters and numbers, into a circle so whatever is trapped within that circle can’t escape.
  20. If you place a pure silver coin on the board, no evil spirits will be able to come through.
  21. NEVER leave the planchette on the board if you aren’t using it.
  22. Lecherous spirits from the Ouija board will sometimes ask young women to do rather . . . ah, odd things. Ignore them and always remember that your Ouija partner (i.e. boyfriend) has nothing to do with this.
  23. Three things never to ask a Ouija board.
    Never ask about God.
    Never ask when you are going to die.
    Never ask where gold is buried.
  24. Lastly, be alert at all times, and in control of the situation.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Happy Birthday! Tarot Spread

September is my birthday month so of course I need to do a reading to see how my next year is going to be! This is a really fun and witchy way to celebrate that never gets old. The cards change each year! Who knows what you will draw! This spread is perfect to do for yourself or for another on their birthday.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Tarot Spread of the Dead

Despite the heat (here in Texas), we are now encroaching on Fall and Winter so I feel that this is an appropriate spread to take a look at your life situation and decide if there are things to let go or give another chance and fix as we move into the season of rest and recovery. I enjoy this spread because it gives you an opportunity for growth and adjustment. It is like pruning off the dead branches on your tree of life so that you are able to realign and grow in the new year.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Falling Leaves Tarot Spread

It has been a while since I posted a tarot spread and with a new season on the way, now is the perfect time to take a strong look at your life and examine what the future holds for you. If relationships or projects need fixing or finishing, now is a great time to do it before we roll into the holidays and and begin the cycle of rest. It is also a great time to realize how far you have come and what you have accomplished!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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Tarot: The Hierophant

Main Association: Education

Quick Reference: Intuition, determination, knowledge, tradition, group identification, conformity, religion, conventional expectations, education, belief systems

Element/Sign: Earth
Planet: Venus
Zodiac: Taurus, Aries
Chakra: Throat
Day: Friday, Tuesday
Archangel: Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel
Qabalistic Correspondences: Shoulders, arms
Color: Blue, green, turquoise, brown
Crystal: Sapphire, turquoise, jade, emerald, septarian
Metal: N/A
Body: Neck, throat, chin, ears, vocal chords, tonsils
Exercise: Long distance running, biking, or swimming, hiking
Stance: The sign of benediction
Affirmation: I  learn from the best how to embody my spirituality and ground it into reality so that society may benefit from it.

The Hierophant, also known as the Pope in some decks,  is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing law and liberty or obedience and disobedience. He wears three robes which are red, blue and white – and a three-tiered crown, and the keys to Heaven are at his feet. They both signify the three realms which he dominates (the conscious, subconscious and super-conscious).

Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. It can also mean a teacher or counselor who will help in learning / education of the querent. The Hierophant tarot card is also called the Teacher of Wisdom. The Hierophant is the knowledge in you, and it is also you, as a holder of that knowledge. It is all of the potential in you for passing that knowledge on. It is you as a student, accessing this knowledge, and it is you as a teacher, imparting it. It can also represent elders and ancestors who are teaching you.

The card is concerned with spiritual initiation, and usually depicts a figure who can be seen as a translator of arcane, mysterious, religious or spiritual teachings – a conduit between god/s and man, between the otherworld, and this one. In this sense, it is a little like the High Priestess. Unlike the High Priestess, though, the knowledge held within belongs to a specific heritage. It has been passed down to you along certain lines.

The Hierophant is a symbol of traditional values and stretches the deep importance of spirituality and religion in life. The Hierophant tarot card can also be a sign that you need to bring back family customs that are being neglected – instead of innovation and breaking the old ways.

Positives/ Upright:

  • Education
  • Learning
  • Marriage
  • Religion
  • Seeking counsel or advice
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Tradition

Negatives/ Reversed:

  • Abuse of position
  • Breakdown
  • Poor counsel
  • Rejection of family values

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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