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Ouija Boards: Evil Spirits and Automatic Writing

Persons who claim to have encountered demons are usually publicity seekers who will try to make themselves feel or sound important by saying that they have experienced demons. A bad spirit is not necessarily a demon. What I mean by this is that Hitler was not a good person. He was a bad person. If you were able to contact him, he could be considered a bad spirit because of his actions in life. A poltergeist could also be considered a bad spirit because it is loud and can sometimes even be destructive. This is not necessarily a demon. Not all world religions recognize that there are such things as demons and their existence should be left to proper religious authorities. Most ghosts or entities are simply human beings who have become lost souls because they do not realize for one reason or another that they have died and are unaware that anything has changed.

Older than the Ouija board is the planchette itself which is used for automatic writing. This is a heart-shaped plaque, on legs or backed with felt with a small round hole in the center for a pencil to be inserted. Thus, words and numbers can be written rather than just indicated as on a Ouija board. The backing is usually half an inch or more thick so that the pencil point is supposed to perfectly level right angle to the paper. A planchette with legs may be purchased or if preferred one might be made from light wood such as balsa wood. This planchette is operated in exactly the same manner as is the one which comes with a board, holding it only with the fingertips. Either one person, two persons, or a group of no more than six may use the planchette.

Psychologists and psychiatrists tell us that automatic writing is a known phenomenon of the unconscious. it is thought to arise from somewhere in the unknown areas of the brain and to operate through the automatic nervous system of the body. This can be explained as similar to breathing or blinking which is automatically done without the person having to consciously think about it. The mechanism of the brain which is responsible for automatic writing May perhaps be in the same family, although many who practice it feel that their own bodies and hands are being manipulated by Spirit or some guiding force. The source of automatic writing may be the same as that which rules the operation of the Ouija board. It is hard to distinguish one from the other.

Often times people who experiment with this means of communication report that it feels as though their arm or hand no longer belongs to them, or as if someone or something else has taken control of the limb. The same safeguards should be used with automatic writing as those for the Ouija. Automatic writing can be interesting as well as rewarding for some although others may never get anything but aimless scrolls of the pencil on the tablet.

Common Superstitions Associated with the Ouija Board:

A Ouija board will scream if you try to burn it. People who hear the scream have less than 36 hours to live. There is only one proper way to dispose of it: break the board into 7 pieces, sprinkle it with holy water, and then bury it.

Witch Tip: Whether you believe that the planchette moves from spirits or the unconscious guidance of the sitters, be aware that Ouija boards can be misused. People of impressionable or nervous dispositions probably should not use a Ouija board because this may upset them or exacerbate their anxiety.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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