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I now have a podcast!

There has been a lot of growth in my site over the last 3 years and in honor of that, I have decided to create a podcast that delves a bit more into the topics I cover on my website. What better time to start a witchy podcast than on Friday the 13th of October when there are 2 full moons during the month and an eclipse! There are so many topics I want to cover and not enough time in the day so this will be a fun alternative for some quick witchy knowledge and tips. Occasionally I may bring on fellow practitioners and even my Christian husband for his perspective on topics for a little extra fun. For now, the podcast is only on Spotify but over the next few weeks I will be expanding it to other popular podcasting platforms. I will let you all know as that happens. More to come on that bit of fun!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron
Spotify Podcast: 3 Cats and a Cauldron (Soon to come to all of your favorite podcasting platforms!)

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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