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Create lavender scented tea sachets

I was surfing Pinterest for some images to help with my tea posts and found a tea timing graph. It was pretty accurate and I had thought of a neat little craft I could make for my tea cabinet.

So I used a piece of paper to make a larger than normal tea bag shape. I used a couple pieces of fabric and some shiny rough thread to create a tea bag with a string hanging off of it. Each of the bags were stuffed with lavender buds and each one smelled amazing. Using some thick gold card stock paper, I cut out the tag shape twice for each tea bag. Then I glued them together so there was gold on both sides with the rough thread in between them. Since all of my fabrics were different, I thought it better to tie them all together with matching tags. I also didn’t realize until later that the tag shape is upside down compared to the picture until I had securely glued each one. Oh well…… maybe next time!

I made 6 bags with 6 tags. Each thread was the same length as that in the tea timing graph.

Afterwards, on one side of the gold card stock, I wrote the tea type.

And on the backside, I wrote the ideal brewing temperature and steeping time.

Finally, I tied up 2 pretty ribbons and added a sea shell for decoration! I love it and how wonderful it smells! I now have it displayed in my tea cabinet and the lavender sachets make the cabinet smell really wonderful.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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