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Crystals: Obsidian

Gold sheen, silver sheen, snowflake, Apache tear, black, and mahogany (tumbled and raw)

Birthstone: N/A
Meaning: N/A
Chakras: Earth Star (below the feet), Root, Sacral, Stomach, Solar Plexus, Heart
Zodiac: Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo
Planet: Saturn/ Pluto
MOH’s Scale: 5.0-5.5
Element: Water, fire
God/Goddess: All volcanic gods/ goddesses
Anniversary Gift: N/A

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Obsidian is the jewel of the volcano. Obsidian is formed when a volcanic explosion releases most of the water vapor and gasses prior to the lava flowing out. When lava contains 1% or less of water, it becomes very viscous and solidifies extremely quickly preventing the growth of crystals. It is also very chemically unstable and crystallizes unevenly over great periods of time. This slow crystallization results in white patches of crystobalite which we typically refer to as snowflake obsidian. The very viscous nature of lava means that it doesn’t mix very well, so when there are pockets of lava with different minerals, they don’t mix and we tend to get varieties called mahogany, black lace, or spider web obsidian. When obsidian cools and has inclusions of minerals or tiny gas bubbles, it forms a type of obsidian that is referred to as sheen obsidian which comes in rainbow, gold, and silver sheens.

All obsidian can be used for grounding, scrying, divination, dealing with the life cycle of birth/death/rebirth, blocking negativity, protection, and journeying inward to work with the Shadow Self. Obsidian can take a very high polish and can be used for mirrors. As a result, it will show exactly what is without regard for delicate emotional responses.

Obsidian has been used in magic ceremonies and ritual for thousands of years. Obsidian is a hard volcanic glass which has been used by humans for tools and weapons since prehistory. The most common form is black, but in recent times, more varieties have become available. Obsidian with a golden or colored sheen is known as rainbow obsidian and a type featuring brownish red streaks is known as mahogany obsidian. It’s also quite common to find this mineral with grey or white spots which are called apache tears. This name came from a Native American belief that the earth wept obsidian when an Apache warrior was killed. It was valued as a trading material amongst Native American Indian tribes and used to make arrowheads and deepen insight during rituals and celebrations.

Obsidian knives and arrowheads have been found that date back thousands of years; for example, the Egyptians used obsidian knives in rituals. Obsidian blades are so sharp that, on a cellular level, obsidian knives will cut between cells rather than tear the cells as steel knives would do. Due to this, when used in the medical field, incisions made with the blade heal faster with less scarring. Polished mirrors of obsidian have been found dating back to 7000BC and, because of its formation at volcanoes; obsidian is also linked with volcano deities. It is also a stone symbolic of Samhain.

Both the Aztecs and Mayans used obsidian extensively. In the absence of iron, this mineral was their main cutting tool. To the Aztecs, obsidian was a bringer of life and death. They used obsidian powder to heal wounds, but they also made their sacrificial knives from carved obsidian.

Several Aztec deities took obsidian as their namesake. The name of Itzpapalotl, the goddess of souls, means obsidian butterfly. In Mayan culture, obsidian was sacred to Tezcatlipoca, the god of magicians, whose name means the mirror that smokes. This title refers to the use of the mineral to make magic mirrors. You may invoke the qualities of these deities by placing an obsidian item on your altar as an offering to them, such as an obsidian knife or mirror.

Description: sharp obsidian knife

Archeologists tended to find them on the first stages of digging because they think the Mayan mothers kept them up high, in the roof thatching, because of kids. This is partly based on current observations of indigenous mothers doing the same thing, only with modern steel blades. Observers asked why they kept the blades up high: closer to the sun? Magic sharpening powers of the moon? Protection from evil spirits… Nope. Kids, they will cut themselves so we hide the sharp things in the roof. As the ancient Mayan sites were abandoned, the roofing material would collapse onto the floor and eventually go back to nature. When we dig we come across what was hidden in the roof first.

I love that line of questioning that leads the researchers down some predetermined road towards archaic thought processes. In reality they’re like “Nope, it’s common sense dingus. Kids will be kids. they will cut themselves up so we hide the sharp things in the roof.” Occam’s Obsidian Knife right there.

Obsidian has been called the warrior stone due to its use in making weapons in the ancient past. A macuahuitl is a weapon, a wooden club with several embedded obsidian blades. The name is derived from the Nahuatl language and means “hand-wood”. Its sides are embedded with prismatic blades traditionally made from obsidian. Obsidian is capable of producing an edge sharper than high quality steel razor blades. The macuahuitl was a standard close combat weapon.

Use of the macuahuitl as a weapon is attested from the first millennium CE. By the time of the Spanish conquest the macuahuitl was widely distributed in Mesoamerica. The weapon was used by different civilizations including the Aztec, Maya, Mixtec and Toltec.

The absorbing qualities of black crystals make them an excellent stone to use for meditation, helping to steady you. Black crystals are ideal for grounding meditations. If you need to develop your assertiveness, meditate on black obsidian.

Work with obsidian pieces, jewelry, or tools to strengthen the powers of your mind and other aspects of your character. The absorbing qualities of black crystals make them an excellent stone to use for meditation, helping to steady you. Black crystals are ideal for grounding meditations. Obsidian provides deep soul healing and peace. It blocks psychic attacks. Obsidian is beneficial for people who have problems asserting themselves. If you need to develop your assertiveness, meditate on black obsidian.

Obsidian Point Crescent Moon Leather Necklace

Black obsidian is great for absorbing negativity and cutting emotional cords that block and inhibit us from moving on. Cords not only hold you down, but they also tend to feed on your energy. Take a piece of obsidian and brush it all over your energetic field from top to bottom and all around while saying an affirmation such as “I sever all cords that do not serve me”.

Harness the power, might, and strength of ancient warriors by carrying pieces of obsidian with you. Obsidian can help to give you courage and determination in whatever you are trying to achieve. It can help to bring out the inner warrior within you.

Obsidian is also called the protector. It surrounds the user with a shield of energy that blocks negativity. Infinite benevolence and healing energy is gifted to the user. Obsidian is favored by psychics for its access to many dimensions and use in soul retrieval.

Its black depths also make it a suitable stone for scrying. Obsidian has been widely used for making both scrying balls and magic mirrors. The black polish of volcanic stone provides one of the best mineral surfaces for scrying on. To scry successfully takes a lot of time and practice. Black obsidian is particularly suited for scrying. It has been used for scrying mirrors and spheres in the past. It takes a real high shine and can aid in scrying by enhancing vision. It can be used for assisting in vision questing and for improving prophetic dreams. It is also used as a symbol of the entrance to the labyrinth. Use it to journey deeper within for facing the True Self and discovering and dealing with inner mysteries. Scry with obsidian to find lost items. It also makes one more intuitive and able to see spirits. Black obsidian is a great crystal to use after a tarot reading to help ground yourself again.

Description: F:\Recoverit 2020-03-14 at 07.05.16\_Photos\Interior Design\Secret Hidden Apothecary\Stones and Shells\Stones\155990_10151798638719616_1778650018_n BLACK OBSIDIAN Pyramids.jpg
Black obsidian pyramids. I think these were on White Magical Alchemy

The best protective workplace stone is black obsidian and if there is a nasty atmosphere at work, use an obsidian arrow pointing outward. It banishes evil and defeats hexes. Obsidian has long been used as a protective stone as it helps block out negativity by absorbing this energy. You can also use obsidian as a protective and healing amulet. Obsidian can be used for protection, grounding, and purification. A strongly protective stone, it forms shields against negativity, blocks psychic attacks, and removes negative spiritual influences.

Witch Tip: Put black obsidian outside by your front door to prevent negative energies, including burglars, from entering your home.

Obsidian removes blockages from past lives and blocks psychic attack. Obsidian works extremely fast and with great power. Detoxify your body with obsidian. It assists the release of disharmony including resentment of others, fear, and anger. Obsidian is a great crystal for negativity. Obsidian cleanses and clears continuously, reflecting negative back to its source. It is a deep healer. It helps us channel answers from Spirit and our higher selves.

Description: F:\Recoverit 2020-03-14 at 07.05.16\_Photos\Interior Design\Secret Hidden Apothecary\Stones and Shells\Stones\525331_10151800548424616_944579027_nBLACK OBSIDIAN Standing Obelisks.jpg
Obsidian Crystal Obelisk for Healing

Grounding crystals are a great addition to your craft. If you are indecisive, you daydream too much, you feel spaced out, you are unsure of your place in the universe, you attract emotional leeches, your ideas aren’t being implemented, you’ve just conducted a healing session, you feel lethargic, unmotivated, and drained, then it might be time for grounding.

Black obsidian helps you focus on what is important and lose the feeling of being scattered. It is a stone of grounding you so that you can accomplish your goals. Obsidian is truth enhancing, strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, bringing clarity to the mind and clearing confusion. Black obsidian helps you to know who you truly are. Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas. It promotes qualities of compassion and strength and increases self-control. It forces facing up to one’s true self. It releases imbalances and negative energies by repelling negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.

Black obsidian is a highly protective stone that absorbs negative energy so make sure to cleanse it often. Black obsidian helps protect against depression. It blocks negativity of any kind. Obsidian transmutes negative energy. It is a crystal of freedom and protects and allows you to cut ties that bind you.

Witch Tip: Charge obsidian on the night of the dark moon and use salt water to clean it of absorbed negative energy instead of pure water which is used for charging.

It is a stone of peace. It is a spiritual protector and helps one to understand and face their deepest fears. It symbolizes self control, increasing strength, power, and resilience. It is an excellent manifestation stone. Known to sharpen and focus internal and external vision.

Gold sheen black obsidian

It is also useful for cutting away negative spirits or energies and releasing past issues and injuries. Obsidian is associated with Saturn and Pluto, making it a good stone to use for authority, transitions, construction, manifestation, creation, and perseverance. Also use it for reaching the deep psyche and when dealing with reflections of self, death, regeneration, and rebirth.

Snowflake obsidian is a gemstone of family and community. Snowflake obsidian lets you be versatile without being distracted by obsessions. It is also great for overall protection. Snowflake obsidian brings necessary issues to the surface and provides balance during times of change. It helps one to see negative patterns in life. Snowflake obsidian is a releasing stone. Meditate with it from the full moon to the new moon to release that which does not serve you. Snowflake obsidian will help calmly release feelings of anger. When you are feeling isolated and alone, snowflake obsidian can help you to cope. Snowflake obsidian helps to balance Yin and Yang energies in the body and represents the balance between dark and light energies in your conscious mind.

Snowflake obsidian deflects physical and emotional harm. It is a stone of purity and brings balance to the mind, body, and spirit. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity and assists in shielding against negativity. Snowflake obsidian allows you to be versatile without being distracted by obsessions.

A lot of my pictures came from White Magical Alchemy which is a great website for pagan supplies.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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