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Crystals: Sapphire

In honor of all September babies out there who just celebrated their birthday (myself), here is a little bit about the most commonly recognized September birthstone!

Picture from Pinterest

Birthstone: September
Meaning: Sincerity
Chakras: Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius
Planet: Saturn
MOH’s Scale: 9/10
Element: Air, water
God/ Goddess: Apollo
Anniversary Gift: 5 year

Prized since ancient times for its beauty and durability, the sapphire is derived from the Corundum family of minerals, mined from the deepest layers of the earth’s crust. The highest quality stones are found in Sri Lanka. The color is caused by titanium and iron ions replacing aluminum ions in some locations in the structure. Sapphire means blue in Greek. The blue goes from dark blue, almost black to pale blue. The finest blue sapphires are a strong blue. The star sapphire is the most valued of the stone’s types. However, sapphires also come in colors other than blue and are then always referred to with the color. There are pink sapphires, yellow sapphires, violet sapphires, green sapphires, and clear sapphires.

The star sapphire’s lines represent faith, hope, and destiny. The start pattern on this stone often is from rutile incisions. Crossing bands of reflected light create a six rayed star like appearance. This is called asterism. Asterism occurs in the dome of cabochon, and can be seen in gems like rubies and sapphires. It is said to attract prosperity in all forms. It can help with channeling light beings and making contact with angelic beings.

The stone of “holy blessings” draws protection and prophetic wisdom to the user. It was also known as the “stone of destiny”. Sapphires contribute to mental clarity and perception. Bringing insight and happiness, the sapphire helps resolve issues and allows you to see another person’s viewpoint. It attracts and oversees one’s divine destiny or mission in life, instilling hope, faith, and joy during the journey. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy on anyone needing it, without the user’s participation. In this way, it seems to possess an innate higher intelligence of its own.

Carry it to help fulfill ambitions, dreams, and goals and to promote spiritual connection and allow you to see the beauty in everything. The sapphire also brings serenity and tranquility, aiding in spiritual growth. It calms the mind, reducing mental tension and stress. Wear it to bring intuition and wisdom. Meditate with sapphire to enhance your contact you’re your spirit guides. You can use this stone in all kinds of meditation and it is said to improve communication, bring peace, and promote fidelity. Place the sapphire on your third eye Chakra during meditation to help you deal with stress more positively and effectively.

Sapphire is believed to offer healing properties for rheumatism, colic, and mental illness. It is said if you wear a sapphire on your brow, it will cure any disease of the mind. At one time it was credited to remove all impurities and foreign matter from the eye. Aside from being considered an antidepressant, it is also an aid to psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, and astral projection.

Picture from

This is also a good stone to incorporate in defensive magic. It is said to shield the evils that poison the body and mind. Folklore states that placing a venomous snake in a sapphire made vessel could kill it. Ancient priests used sapphire to predict the future while ancient Persians believed that the world was set upon an enormous sapphire. The ancient world also believed this gem would darken once worn by an adulterer/adulteress. Christianity has its fair bit of sapphire folklore as well. Ancient Hebrew texts say that Noah’s Ark was illuminated with a giant sapphire used as a window and the 10 commandments were believed to have been inscribed upon tablets made of sapphire.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,