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Crystals: Turquoise

Birthstone: December
Meaning: Truth, Wisdom, Communication
Chakras: Throat, heart
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Planet: Jupiter, Moon, Venus
MOH’s Scale: 5- 6
Element: air (blue), water (green)
God/Goddess: Aphrodite, Isis, Venus
Anniversary Gift: 5th, 11th year

Since the earliest civilizations, turquoise has been regarded as one of the most sacred crystals and it was especially revered by the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians prized green turquoise very highly, naming it ‘mefkat’, which means joy or delight. In Egypt, the blue green color of the stone symbolized fertility and resurrection. The color is caused by the presence of copper ions coordinated to the hydroxide ions and water.

Turquoise is one of the oldest known gem materials. The Egyptians were mining turquoise in the Sinai as early as 5,500 B.C. The Persian word for turquoise is ferozah or firozah which means victorious. Ancient Persians believed that a new moon reflected on the surface of a turquoise brought good luck. Turquoise attracts money, success, and love. Its powers include protection, healing, courage, prosperity, love, friendship, and luck. It relaxes the mind, and eases mental tension. This gemstone was also thought to promote prosperity.

In many cultures, turquoise was believed to have powers of protection. In the Middle East, it was thought to bring protection against the evil eye. The stone also guards against negative magic, serpents, poison, and violence.  In Medieval Europe, it was claimed that turquoise could protect against snake and scorpion poisons. In Islam, it was believed to be good protection against evil spells and it was often used to make protective amulets. This protective stone was said to fade when its bearer was threatened with danger or illness. Turquoise dispels negativity of all kinds and promotes courage. It repels mental and emotional attacks. Turquoise is also known as the Horseman’s Stone due to the belief that it protects riders from falls This also explains its attribute to the Zodiac sign, Sagittarius (the centaur).

Witch Tip: An old Arabian spell for improving your fortunes draws on the Jupiterian aspect of the turquoise. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and is also connected with improving your situation. At the new moon, place a turquoise close to a window and gaze steadily at the stone as it is bathed in moonlight. Concentrate on your desires to improve your fortunes and then recite a simple statement of your wishes to the stone. Repeat the wish 4 times.

Turquoise is one of the few stones that can be easily found in America and it featured heavily in local Native American Myths. Old Apache lore states that turquoise, when attached to a gun or a bow, ensures perfect aim. It was thought to guide the hunter’s arrows and spears to fly true. the Navajo believed that throwing a piece of turquoise into a river while praying to the Rain God would ensure the arrival of much needed rain. Some tribes also believed that a turquoise would be found in the damp ground at the end of a rainbow and that these stones were thought to be thunder stones, which could control the weather. The regalia of the Apache medicine men included turquoise talisman or badge of rank and respect.

The one thing I did NOT want to leave Arizona without was a piece of turquoise jewelry. I found a beautiful ring on one of my adventures and I love to pull it out and wear it since it is a very pretty conversation piece.

Chinese turquoise

Turquoise is known as the master healer and is said to bridge between heaven, sky, and earth. Many Native American cultures believe that turquoise helps to connect the mind to the infinite possibilities of the universe and is considered very sacred in Chinese cultures as well. As a stone linked to the throat chakra, it helps to foster honest and open communication from the heart. It works to protect and align the chakras, strengthening the overall body in the process. Turquoise attunes the physical to the higher realms. It creates a clear channel for the nurturing and creative energy of this sacred stone. Turquoise is highly spiritual yet grounding. It is uplifting to unconditional love. It aligns the chakras and opens the heart.

Witch Tip: Turquoise has long been used to treat throat problems. If you suffer from frequent throat irritations, try spending a few minutes each night, for one week lying down with a piece of turquoise on your throat. It is best to do it during the waning moon; the declining lunar energy is better suited for getting rid of things. Each night after using your stone, place it in a bowl of salt to remove any negativity it has attracted. Then leave it in fresh mineral water. This way the stone is cleaned each day and remains steadily to absorb more negative energy in the evening.

In many cultures, turquoise has been a traditional gift between lovers. An oriental proverb says that “given by a loving hand, it brings with it happiness and good fortune”. Turquoise was also said to turn black to indicate infidelity. It was given to lovers in the past to ensure faithfulness. The change in a turquoise’s color was once associated with a wife’s infidelity, weather shift, and health status.

Witch Tip: It is a stone of truth and helps to ward off arguments and promotes peace in the home. A good charm for couples is to wear matching pieces of turquoise jewelry. Turquoise makes an ideal love charm or a gift for someone who is loved.

This stone helps to put situations into perspective and offers protection. It helps us to recognize and shed harmful personal characteristics. It increases our inner strength and stability while raising your personality above its limitations and brings it closer to the soul. Turqoiuse promotes change and supports further growth. It eneables the acceptance of inner wisdom and peace. It dispels negative energy, balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizes mood swings and instills inner calm. It is often called the stone of health. It helps to soothe the throat and nervous system. It promotes health, peace, and inner calm and is worn for communication, luck, and love. It enhances your natural intuition.

Witch Tip: Try wearing turquoise to gain respect and help you target your goals.

This stone can be used when you are trying to achieve communication, protection, health, luck, success, prosperity, happiness, honesty, spirituality, strength, serenity, creativity, rebirth, and it protects travelers Meditation with turquoise is said to help develop psychic skills. It is a token of protection for physical and astral travel and acts as a grounding force. Turquoise is a strong communication stone. It opens up channels of communications between friends and family, defining these bonds.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,