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Curse Ingredients

Collect objects to use as mediums. The word has many definitions, but in this case, “medium” refers to the substance through which you’ll transmit your bad energy (i.e. your curse). Any of the following items will serve as strong mediums:

Curse victim’s DNA, called taglocks, as this holds their essence which include hair, nails, cigarettes/ cigarette butts, etc.

A poppet which is a small human shaped doll often used to represent the victim.

A picture of the victim or their name written down can also suffice

Urine, blood, saliva (your own) may be added to the jar to help you gain domination over your target

Raw meat and bones

Graveyard soil can be used to drive someone away or drive two people apart. Soil from a fresh grave is the most potent: If you do decide to remove soil from a new grave, ask permission from the departed’s soul and leave an offering — alcohol (e.g., wine poured into the ground), food (e.g., part of your last meal), or money (even a dollar) are standard



Dead bugs, venomous spiders, wasps, bees

Rusty nails or nails in general, needles, pins, thumb tacks, broken glass, razor blades, or other sharp items can be added to the jar to generally hurt your target

Mirrors (broken or intact) to cause them to reflect on their mistakes or harm them

Red pepper flakes or whole red pepper pods will cause your target to become angry. You could even add hot foot powder.

Vinegar may be used to sour the life of an individual, or to sour the relationship between two people. Cranberry juice can be used used as a substitute for vinegar when cursing.

Rose thorns may be used to cause your target harm through deception (as a beautiful rose looks deceptively soft until it pricks your finger) or to sour love. You can also use burnt rose petals.


A match can be added to jars containing paper to fire up your curse whenever you shake or move the jar. You can use a cigarette to burn your anger into the poppet.

Poisonous plants may be added to the jar to cause harm to your target. Just be sure to be safe and careful whenever you’re handling anything poisonous. Hemlock, poison ivy, poppies (for confusion), marigolds, blueberries (for confusion), and mold can all be used.



Coffee grounds to speed up the curse process

Fossils are things that were once alive but now are dead. Most really old things work well because they’ve had a lot of time to gather up negative energy that you can use.

Try to collect your curse ingredients humanely. This is simply a list of ingredients for all variety of curses and hexes.

Note: You don’t need to use every one of these items in a curse. Just one or two of them is fine. But the more items you use, the more thorough your curse can be. But you also only need to choose the items that will make your spell most effective.

If you don’t want to cast revenge spells on your enemies, then you can actually perform a ritual using protection spells on yourself. By the time anyone attacks you with magic, you already have your protection.

Can’t stop thinking about that time someone in a witch group accidentally made chlorine gas 😂

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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