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Don’t let your days pass you by

Happiest of New Years Witchlings! So many people make resolutions on New Years Eve and within a month or two, fail to follow through. Life gets busy, it isn’t fun to restrict yourself, or your goal was too far out of reach. It happens to all of us! But that doesn’t mean it should happen to you any longer. Start small.

Whatever it is, start realistic and start small. I want to lose 50 pounds. Great! Start with 10! And then add on a new goal once you achieve that 10. I want to drink more water. Amazing! Buy a reusable water bottle and have someone hold you accountable for how often you finish it. I want to be more magical. Perfect! Expanding your craft is a wonderful goal! Start small with expanding your knowledge on your craft or doing a spell on the weekends. Maybe you can just pull a tarot card a day until you feel more immersed and can move on to bigger things. I want to read more, start a business, cut the negativity from my life, promote, spend more time with family, etc. These are all excellent goals that can only make your life better but you have to commit to it. It is easy to say I am going to do the thing but actually DOING the thing is what is difficult. Start with small goals. Read one page a night. Soon that one will be two and then five and then you will look forward to nightly book time. Before you know it, you finished a book!

But the thing is….. you need to start. The best time to start was yesterday and the second best time is right now. Seize the magical life you want to live and make it your own! Don’t fall off your goals at the end of January or mid February and allow yourself to be unhappy for 10 more months until you try again. Not every day will go as planned and that is ok! You will mess up. Every meal can’t be healthy. You can’t make it to the gym every day. You may not have time for a spell or ritual sometimes because of life. And that is ok! Because once a week is 52 times a year as opposed to ZERO.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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