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Birthstone: May
Meaning: Truth, loyalty
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac: Virgo 
Planet: Venus
MOH’s Scale: 7.5-8
Element: Water
God/Goddess: Artemis, Hermes, Lucifer, Venus,  Annapuma, Astarte, Banbha, Eriu, Fodla
Anniversary Gift: 20th, 35th, 55th

Emerald is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl, colored green by trace amounts of chromium or sometimes vanadium. Normally emeralds are green due to traces of chromium and vanadium but they can also be yellow, blue, and blue green. The word “emerald” is derived (via Old French: esmeraude and Middle English: emeraude), from Vulgar Latin: esmaralda/esmaraldus, a variant of Latin smaragdus, which was via Ancient Greek: σμάραγδος (smáragdos; “green gem”) from a Semitic language. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the term emerald was first used in the 14th century.

The earliest mining of emeralds took place in Egypt, Austria, and Pakistan. Emeralds were extracted in 330BC in Egypt. They were believed to have been worn by Babylonian and Egyptian royalties, including Queen Cleopatra. Emeralds were mined in ancient India and pre-Columbian America documented indigenous rulers in their emerald accoutrements. The Crown of Andes worn by the last King of the Incas in Peru is said to have been adorned with at least 450 emeralds. During the 16th century, Spain shipped large quantities of emeralds from Latin America to Europe after the Spaniards discovered Colombia’s emerald mines in Chivor.  Columbia has the largest deposits amounting to 50-95% of the total global production depending on the year. Colombia’s largest mining areas include those in Muzo, Chivor, and Coscuez. Russia began mining emeralds in the 1830s in the Ural Mountains and pre-WWII, Germany pioneered in the production of synthetic emeralds.

Witch Tip: Use cedar oil to enhance the gem’s surface clarity.

With its beautiful green brilliance, emerald has long been prized for its magical properties and as such, has a very long history of myth and folklore. Emerald occupies an important place in many mythologies.

The ancient Egyptians believed that their god Thoth gave them the gift of emerald and that the stone symbolized the season of spring. For this reason, the Egyptians dedicated the emerald to eternal youth, and it is sometimes called the ‘stone of spring’. The emerald was also sacred to Horus, whose titles included the ‘prince of the emerald stone’.

The uat (papyrus scepter) amulet was usually cut from emerald and placed in the throat of mummies during the process of embalming. This crystal charm served to protect the soul of the deceased and granted the person the youthful vigor of spring on the journey through the underworld. The figure of Isis was sometimes carved upon emeralds standing with a scarab beetle above her head, for use as talismans of good fortune. It was once believed that light colored varieties of the gem were found in the nests of griffins. Symbolizing love, prosperity, and overall happiness, the emerald was known as the crowning jewel of Queen Cleopatra.

In ancient Greece, emeralds were used to ease the pain of childbirth. The stone was usually suspended from a cord so that it hung against the abdomen where it could exert its influence closest to where it was most needed. This was also believed to ensure an easy delivery. The Ancient Greeks believed emerald was sacred to the moon goddess Artemis and so the stone was thought to protect women, especially when pregnant. If you were suffering from an injury or have moderate discomfort such as morning sickness when pregnant, call upon Artemis with an emerald. When you involve one of the goddesses, praise her by saying this incantation; “fierce and beautiful Artemis, protectress of women, lend me your strength to help overcome this pain”.

Witch Tip: Invoke Artemis using an offering of emeralds.

The ancients also believed that the Greek god Hermes recorded the laws of magic upon an emerald tablet. The crystal is also sacred to Venus, who was a goddess of gardens, as well as love, and her powers may be called upon to perform spells for the health of your garden. The fertile and verdant green shades of emerald make it an excellent stone to help encourage your plants to grow.

Witch Tip: fill a bucket with water and place your emerald inside it. Visualize the green energy of the emerald infusing the water with the promises of new growth as you say “Venus help my garden grown and bless the plants that I do sow”. Then water your garden with this blessed liquid. It is best to cast this emerald spell during the spring.

According to the Bible, it was believed that when Lucifer was cast out of Paradise, an emerald fell from his forehead, from which formed the Holy Grail. The soothing green of emerald is thought to help relieve overworked eyes. Emerald’s green color is soothing to the eyes and in the Middle Ages, engravers would often keep this gem on their desks to relieve eye strain.

Witch Tip: If your eyes are tired when using a computer at work, try using an emerald to bring relief. Hold an emerald to each eye in turn for a few minutes and feel its tranquil, cooling energy soothe you. Allow the pure green rays of healing and balance to radiate form the precious stone, transforming any stress and tiredness into clarity and feelings of self-confidence. To help with vision problems, place small pieces of emerald on your eyelids while meditating. In the Orient, this practice was thought to strengthen the memory and intelligence.

Another spell that involves placing an emerald in the mouth helps to ease migraines. Emerald has a calming effect on the mind as well as the eyes and as such, it is ideal for migraine sufferers. An old Christian charm for curing migraines from the 12th century using emeralds was to breathe on an emerald until it is damp and warm. Rub the stone to your temples and forehead in a circular motion. Place the stone in your mouth and after a few seconds, the pain should ease.

In Feng Shui, the Emerald represents love and belongs in the back right corner of the home.  Some people also believed emerald wearers were immune to illnesses such as epilepsy.

Emerald symbolizes psychic powers, purity, and immortality. It was known as a revealer of the truth. Emeralds are said to give the supernatural ability to foretell future events. They are a member of the beryl family. Scry with beryl to look into the past and specifically use emeralds to reveal the truth. This stone increases psychic and clairvoyant abilities while enhancing meditations. The depths of the crystal draw the gaze in and help the scryer to lose her perception of the mundane world, easing contact with spirits and the use of the psychic abilities. It is a powerful stone of insight and prophecy. This stone brings wisdom and surfaces what is not known consciously and encourages cooperation in groups. Illusions and enchantments were thought to be ineffective or dispersed around its purity. Use Emeralds to gain a keener insight into your dreams.

Witch Tip: An ancient method for revealing a lie involved putting an emerald under your tongue. If the stone heated up, this indicated untruths. If you have doubts about something you have been told and desire to find out if it’s true, put an emerald or a piece of emerald jewelry under your tongue and meditate upon the information you have been given. If the emerald gives you a strong feeling that the person has told you a lie, trust your feelings of intuition. Likewise, if the stone seems to build up some heat in your mouth, it is thought to indicate the emerald’s displeasure at the absence of truth.

Emeralds have a tranquilizing effect on the heart and mind, inspiring calm, clear, and assurance. Associated with the Heart Chakra, emerald was thought to lose its color or turn brown if a partner was unfaithful and, as a charm, it was used to ward away lustful thoughts. As a stone of Beltane, the fertility fire festival, it is associated with healing the heart, faithfulness, commitment, loyalty, patience, and understanding. Essentially, it is a stone of love and passion.

Emeralds are deep hearted and love with a passion unless they feel their commitment is unrequited. They bring loyalty and unconditional love, as well as balance relationships. Emeralds calm the mind and emotions, allowing for greater patience and clarity of mind. They bring compassion and as a stone of the heart, instill harmony, bring security in love, and allows access to the mystery we hold deepest in our hearts, thereby healing and activating our highest heart’s desire. They are said to bring domestic bliss and harmony through enhanced sensitivity for those you care for.

Emeralds were often carried by sailors due to the belief that they could calm seas and ensure safe travels, therefore bringing luck and good fortune. They were also given as friendship tokens for these same reasons.

Emeralds are a stone of hope and faith. They symbolize overall happiness and eliminate negative energy, restoring balance to the physical, mental, and emotional states. Emeralds will cancel out the power of any ill harm wished upon the owner. Emeralds also symbolize rebirth and purity.

Healing properties are many from the many different cultures that employ this gem for their benefit. Some people also believed emerald wearers were immune to ills like epilepsy. They were said to aide against panic attacks and help alleviate mental illness. They could be used for neurological healing and the gem was even thought to strengthen its owner’s memory and improve eloquence. It was also said to quicken intelligence while enhancing cognition.

With its close association with the heart and Heart Chakra, it is no wonder that is said that an emerald could be used to cure heart problems (physical or emotional), hypertension, balance blood glucose, improve circulation, and stop bleeding. It was a go to for any heart related malady.

The heart is not the only area of the body emeralds are said to affect. They were said to help with back problems and provide relief to spinal pain. Emeralds can detoxify your body from radiation and poison. It was said to be an antidote to any poison. It provided relief and healing to your eyes, as well as your liver and pancreas.

A 57,000-carat emerald, which is said to be the world’s largest, was sold on January 28 at Western Star Auctions in British Columbia, Canada in 2012. The giant jewel weighs 11.5 kilograms and is around 12 inches long. The gem was appraised at $1.15 million since it is only a rough cut stone.

Do any of you have any emeralds yourself or use them in your craft? Let me know in the comments below!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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