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End of 2020 update and coming fun!

I had meant to post this a few days ago but procrastination got the best of me! Exciting news at the end of this post so read on!

2020 has been a wild year what with the pandemic and all derailing the entire world’s existence but it has also afforded me quite a few opportunities for which I am grateful. A lot has happened here both in my professional career, personal life, and health, both good and bad, but I can at least say I am coming out of 2020 better than I went into it! Has this year been Jumanji Level 12? Absolutely. Did I survive? Maybe… there are a few days left of 2020 after all! But all kidding aside, I did survive! And so did you!

Work got put on hold because of COVID-19 but I had the opportunity to network with other medical career fields at the hospital and be recognized for it since we couldn’t work on patients in dental. I had extra time to spend at home with my boys who definitely became even more spoiled than they already are. Niku meows any time I leave the room now. We are going to have to work on that….. I took a lot of professional development classes because video conferences became all the rage and large numbers of people could join them without ever making contact with another human. I had a hysterotomy which has stopped years and years of bleeding and pain and mental imbalances and I have never felt so good. Recovery was smooth and I was the only surgery to happen for my doctor after the hospital opened back up before COVID-19 spiked and forced it to close again. I was in a car accident which totaled my car but now I have the car of my dreams (and the payments of my nightmares) and back pain to show for it. I even had a sleep study done for my insomnia!

This is not inaccurate

It was inconclusive but at least I don’t have Sleep Apnea! A friend of mine works at the zoo and got me in behind the scenes to pet their 2 rhinos (for free!), Opie and Neote, which was beyond amazing and cool. I got amazing pictures of the 2020 Samhain blue moon which was absolutely gorgeous. I made a ton of moon water from it too! The Geminids meteor shower and Christmas star were recently visible and I got a few good pics of those too! Although the alignment appeared on the first day of Yule……. But sure! Christmas star!

Samhain full moon. I love my camera…
Geminids meteor shower. I don’t have a tripod so my hand was shaking as I was taking the long exposure…. Still cool!
I didn’t even get to see that! It was super cloudy that night….
Picture by Mike Russel taken from the Hubble telescope! I guess it really did make a star!

And now I am finishing the year with a nose surgery on the 30th of December! I get to welcome in the new year with some plastic stints and about 2 weeks of swelling! Texas does not like me at all and I can’t breathe. Hopefully this surgery will alleviate that. Like I said, this year had both good and bad.

At least I came out of the year looking better than Harry and Marv here! Well… maybe…. I haven’t had the surgery yet after all. I might come out looking worse than them!

Congratulations on making it to the bottom of this post! As a reward, I wanted to let you know that I will be starting an Etsy shop in February. I am working on the start up things right now which will spill over into January with my surgery, but I hope to have some really cool things available for you awesome witches in February. More to come! But if there are any things in particular that you would be interested in purchasing, let me know in the comments and I will do my absolute best to accommodate!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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