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Exploring Past Lives

Some people have memories of other lives and others experience recurring dreams that give information they had never had access to. The crazy thing is, I fall into the latter category. I have had so many recurring dreams/ excessive dreams about being killed by a crocodile. There is no explanation for it. I grew up in Germany and North Carolina my entire life and I have never had a fear of the creature. I still have no fear of them. They are fascinating little dinosaurs. My husband is from Louisiana and alligators abound. Still, I am not scared or nervous. I treat them with a healthy dose of respect and distance because I am not a fool, but I don’t mind them at all. However, that has not stopped me from having these dreams (that I can remember) 2 to 3 times a year for almost 27 years. Even to this day, I have those dreams. My most recent one was a few months ago. Some are different, some are recurrent, but they all end the same way. I am terrified, in danger, and often times I die. And I also always know that for sure it is a crocodile, not an alligator or any other creature related to that animal type. Based on those dreams, I genuinely believe that I likely died in a past life by one of these creatures. Do I believe I was an Egyptian Priestess or something super fancy like that? No. Absolutely not. I am too much of a hot mess to think I could have possibly been so dignified in a past life. But what I do believe is that I had a tragic and violent death by one of these creatures in a very green Mesopotamian/ Middle Eastern location that was near water.

Have any of you ever experienced anything like this or feel the same way about having a past life? I would love to hear your own stories! Leave a comment below!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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