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Fall Bruschetta

Picture is from the original recipe which I no longer have the link for. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know so I can credit properly! I want to say it was Tasty though.

Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Serves: 16
Calories: 1= 90 calories

16 Slices baguette French bread
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
2 fuji apples, diced
½ cup crumbled gorgonzola or mozzarella
¼ cup honey
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves
Fresh thyme sprigs if desired

Heat the oven to 400 degrees F. Place bread slices on ungreased cookie sheet. Brush each bread slice with oil. Bake 8 – 10 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Meanwhile, in a 10inch skilled, melt butter over medium heat. Add the sliced apple; cook 3 to 4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened; and then remove from heat. Stir in cheese, 2 tbsp of honey, 1 tsp thyme. Spoon apple mixture evenly over bread slices. Drizzle with the remaining 2 tbsp honey.
Bake 8 – 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Garnish with thyme sprigs.

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