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Financial Planning and Success Tarot Spread

I love planning for finances and ensuring that my money is good. It really improves my anxiety and depression to know that I am taken care of even in a small way. With the holidays coming, a lot of us tend to spend more money than we normally would throughout the year. And this is ok! Just make sure you are smart about it! I tend to spend more money in stores in the months leading up to Samhain. After that, I cut back again because I am just not as interested in the other fall/ winter holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. I do love Yule but sadly all of my friends and family live in different parts of the country so it isn’t as fun when you are alone. I celebrate Christmas with my Christian friends and Hanukkah with my Jewish friend. Whatever your celebration and spending is like, this tarot spread could help you plan the next few months or motivate you to be more careful in the future! Either way, there is no way NOT to benefit from this spread!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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