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Frog Slime Potion Bottle

The scented bone powder potion bottle with my sandalwood talcum powder was such a success for me that I decided to get rid of another container from my vanity that isn’t cute. I really enjoy using the scented bone powder just about every other day. The aesthetic is fun and it just makes me feel extra witchy in the morning. That being said, I am not a huge fan of the bottle of make up remover that I use every single day. So I decided to make that my next project!

The idea just came to me one day. I had bought the bottle from Michael’s Halloween collection this year because I thought the bottle was super pretty. I didn’t expect to use it so soon! I was in debate between toad slime and frog slime because I found a label on Pinterest for both. Pinterest is an amazing and often overlooked resource for printing inspiration. Both labels looked cool but toads don’t generally have slime and I remembered the pretty green bottle I had just purchased a few weeks ago, frog slime seemed the best option.

The items I used for this crafting project were:
– One green bottle from Michael’s
– A tighter fitting cork (I got from a previous bottle of alcohol. I have a cute decorative basket with corks in it)
– Printed label(s)
– Mod Podge and spray on adhesive
– A paintbrush for the Mod Podge
– Crafting twine
– The last of my makeup remover
– Vitamin C oil
– Rose quartz beads
– Sealing wax (not pictured)
– Wax seal (not pictured)
– Knife (not pictured)

First, I removed the animal print ribbon and fake looking skull key that was around the neck of the bottle. I put them to the side because maybe I can use them later in a different crafting project. But for now, they are not the look I am going for with my frog slime makeup remover. I also set aside the cork that came with the bottle. It wasn’t secure enough for my liking considering it was about to be holding a lot of liquid. I added it to my cork/stopper collection basket in case it fits a future bottle better.

I printed the label in 2 sizes so I could experiment with the look and go with the one I liked best. After cutting them out trying them against the bottle, I found that the smaller label looked best. Now it is time to attach the label. I used the spray adhesive to attach the label to glass bottle and then painted over it with Mod Podge. This will create a waterproof seal so that if any makeup remover runs or my sink splashes, it won’t ruin the label and cause it to peel off.

Now it is time to decorate the bottle. I had all kinds of ideas for the neck of the bottle, but in the end, I went with a simple crafting twine look. I felt like it gave it a swamp witch bottle look to it. I wrapped the twine around the neck of the bottle and sealed it with Mod Podge so that the organic twine wouldn’t mold if it got wet in the bathroom/sink area. Finally, the last step in decorating was ready. I decided to make it look like it had been sealed. I used a nice deep green wax first and then dripped gold wax overtop that. While both were still melted, I pressed a crown seal into the wax as a finishing touch. You don’t have to but I have always enjoyed the Princess and the Frog story since I was little so this was a sort of a cute personal reference to that.

Once the wax had fully set and was cool, I used a very thin knife to gently detach the cork from the bottle without disturbing the wax that had adhered to the stopper. This way, the bottle opens but every time I recork it, the wax will line up and look like it is still sealed when not in use.

Now that the bottle had been decorated properly, I filled it up with my make up remover, added 9 drops of Vitamin D oil for a little extra skin care kick, and dropped in 3 rose quartz beads. The reason I used small round beads is another reference to the ball lost by the princess in the Princess and the Frog’s original story. I used rose quartz to add a little self love to my potion.

The finished product has now been added to my shelf and I have used it for a full week now. I love the aesthetic and I have gotten so many compliments from friends who have seen it. Being able to whip out my potion bottles in the morning feels awesome. I am a very visual person. For me, it is easier for me to visualize something if I have something tangible to inspire me. Using a rose quartz filled potion bottle, where the 3 small beads jingle every time I pick it up, really gives me a nice little serotonin boost each day!

I hope this has been a helpful tutorial and inspires you in your own craft! Or if that isn’t your thing and nothing else, I hope it inspires your future Halloween props!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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