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Birthstone: N/A
Meaning: Money, Power
Chakras: Root (brown), Sacral (brown), Heart (blue), Crown (blue)
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Planet: Jupiter, Venus
MOH’s Scale: 5.5-6
Element: Fire, Earth
God/Goddess: Baldur, Hathor
Anniversary Gift: N/A
Alchemical Symbol: N/A

Although its name implies that it contains gold, this gemstone does not contain a speck of gold. It is not a naturally occurring stone. Goldstone is a type of glittering glass made in a low-oxygen reducing atmosphere. Goldstone is often mistaken for or misrepresented as a natural material.

Another common name for the material is aventurine glass. It is called “del-roba” in Persian which means “Charming”; or “monk’s gold” or “monkstone” from folkloric associations with an unnamed monastic order. There are a few stories of alchemist monks attempting to make gold (some are French Monks, some Italian Monks) and in the process either a monk or a general worker accidentally knocked some copper shavings into a pot of molten glass.

One original manufacturing process for goldstone was invented in seventeenth-century Venice by the Miotti family. The urban legend says goldstone was an accidental discovery by unspecified Italian monks or the product of alchemy, but there is no pre-Miotti documentation to confirm this.

An example of blue goldstone

A goldstone amulet from 12th- to 13th-century Persia in the collection of the University of Pennsylvania shows that other, earlier artisans were also able to create the material. The original Goldstone was especially prized by the Chinese; it was named Jinxing Boli which is said to mean “gold star glass”.  It remained a trade secret until the process was disclosed during the early 19th century.

The most common form of goldstone is reddish-brown, containing tiny crystals of metallic copper that require special conditions to form properly. The initial batch is melted together from silica, copper oxide, and other metal oxides to chemically reduce the copper ions to elemental copper. Goldstone also exists in other color variants based on other elements. Cobalt or manganese can be substituted for copper; the resulting crystals have a more silvery appearance and are suspended in a strongly colored matrix of the corresponding ionic color, resulting in blue goldstone or purple goldstone respectively.

Green goldstone, or chrome aventurine, forms its reflective particles from chromium oxides rather than the elemental metal, but is otherwise fairly similar. It has been linked to the medieval art of alchemy almost from its creation. A deep red variation–called haematinum or purpurin–may have been made by the Romans, with the recipe having been lost during the Dark Ages.

An example of green goldstone

Much of the metaphysical properties of goldstone are associated with the metaphysical properties of copper due to its manmade status using copper as an ingredient during the process. Known as the ‘ambition’ stone, the goldstone crystal meaning is linked with boosting your drive and confidence, the essential mindset for paving the way for all your dreams to come true, regardless of how crazy or wild. This is a great stone to assist in attaining your goals.

As a stone that holds the power of the fire in its core, it stands for change, transformation, alchemy, and strength. Goldstone gives back your courage and ambition to live fully in your skin, loving every day with a heart full of joy. Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, power, money, ambition, and drive. Goldstone makes a fantastic money charm is perfect for anyone seeking fame and fortune. It attracts prosperity to the home.

Goldstone protects the centers of the body and deflects unwanted energy. It stimulates your vitality, energy level, healing, emotional stability, composure, will-power, creativity, and optimism. It stabilizes life force energy and creates positive energy vibrations in the body. It is a great choice for use in divination and star magic, as well as channeling star wisdom.

The message of goldstone is that sometimes you have to lose your mind to find yourself. A protective warrior stone, goldstone helps you get out of your head and back down to earth. This powerful grounding stone is a must-have for those moments when you feel overwhelmed by toxic emotions and negative thought patterns. Blue goldstone is especially powerful in this regard and is an ideal stone for empaths.

Witch Tip: Place goldstone in a room to fill the atmosphere with calm uplifting energy. Its presence will help influence you to overcome depression and help create a positive attitude and positive outlook on life.

Regardless of the chaos going on in your head, hold tight to the goldstone and immediately feel a strong connection to the earth and is healing vibrations. When you start to feel its grounding effects, notice its silky feel and deep luster that resonates with a dark blue night sky studded with stars. Keep the fire in your heart burning long and bright with the glittery sheen of Goldstone.

Witch Tip: Deepen its healing powers even more by holding a stone in each hand, which helps to balance the chakras and restore harmony to the mind-body-spirit.

Being grounded also helps restore balance and harmony to the sacral chakra, the energy center that contains your deepest passions. Let this fiery cauldron of creativity and sensuality reawaken when you access the inspirational qualities of the goldstone crystal stone meaning.

It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude. It is thought to generate revitalize energy fields, transmit positivity, and divert malevolent energy into the earth. Blue goldstone is believed to transmit healing energy, increase self-acceptance, aid in learning and soothe hypersensitivity.

Goldstone, a telepathic crystal, embodies great healing and protective qualities. This stone is highly effective in sending healing energies from the heart, promote healing, and in revitalizing the energy field. When channeling energy, Goldstone boosts the flow of life force energy within the hands.

Goldstone is an energy generator, making it a perfect stone for healers. It increases the flow of energy, strengthens Chi energy and reinvigorates the inner-self. As a transmitter stone, it causes light energy to flow throughout the body to reinvigorate the inner-self. Goldstone allows an increased flow of energy to channel through the sender. This makes it a great reiki stone, for it allows this energy to flow by emanating it from the senders hands.

Due to its language lineage coming from the Italian ‘avventura’ meaning “by luck, risk or chance” which is also translated as “by fortune”, goldstone is associated with good luck, abundance, use in games of change as well as divination or fortune telling.

Witch Tip: Keep a small bowl of goldstone nearby whenever you are participating in any form of divination to help improve your readings.

Witch Tip: In Feng Shui practices, brown, gold, and yellow goldstone can be placed in the center area of your home or work environments as this stone will help calm over excitability and promote a sense of well-being. Use black or blue goldstone in the North (career) or green or purple goldstone for wealth and prosperity.

A powerful cocktail for boosting your creative energy is goldstone combined with other power stones from the golden and orange color ray, including carnelian, tiger’s eye, amber, and orange calcite. Keep this healing creativity grid in your office or studio so you can always harness its inspirational energy. To magnify its healing power, set an intention for your stone, which it will store for you to call on later when you need its guidance and support.

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