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Good Friends and New Books

I hope all of you have been amazing this last month or so. I know I have been radio silent for a few weeks but I have a great reason for it! I went to go take care of a friend of mine on the East Coast while she had surgery. I preferred to spend my time with her living in the moment and enjoying her company since I only get to see her about once a year or so instead of being on my computer. I now have lots of amazing memories and moments to look back on and laugh. But she isn’t my only amazing friend. I also have someone who is so incredibly wonderful and thoughtful that I don’t know what I would do without her some days. She still lives and Tucson and every so often she decides to just send me something cool because Amazon makes everything easier these days! Well this time, she sent me a Wiccan Cookbook! I was so confused to come home and see an Amazon box on my doorstep but after opening it and reading the note, it legit made my day! And my weekend because I have been reading it all weekend.

Reading through it, it has a LOT of good information and recipes for manifesting and the Wheel of the Year. It also has a lot of information on kitchen witchery and making magical ingredients. So far, it has definitely been worth the read. I will review it properly in The Witch’s Library once I have finished it properly. But so far, an excellent resource!

This seems like a cute idea that someone posted for fun but NO REALLY. I would love to do this with my friends! We all live in different parts of the country so we would all be able to find things that the others didn’t have access to! It’s a brilliant idea!

I won’t lie, I would totally love my own sugar witch who sends me cool things like this regularly….. The amount of joy I got out of a surprise package on my door step was incredible! I almost cried from the thoughtfulness of it. Why isn’t this a regular thing among friends?!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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