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Halloween Movie Madness Part 2!

It’s time for Halloween movie madness part 2! Last week we started off with a more wholesome bunch of movies and I got through quite a few of them! This week I bring to you Netflix movies and shows to watch.

Of the 16 listed here, I have only seen 4. I’ve seen Monster House, The Conjuring 1 and 2, and the Haunting of Hill House. The Haunting of Hill House is 8 episodes that are about an hour long and does deviate from the book quite a bit. If you look at the book as its own story and the series on Netflix as its own story, you will enjoy them both. If you try to compare them, you will get upset. I personally believe they did an excellent job, especially delving into the psychology of how ghostly experiences can mess up a family for life. Wish me luck with the last 12!

As a bonus, I bring to you a second list if you are willing to try! I have only watched #22 and #23 on this list, that being the Conjuring 1 and 2. These are more scary suggestions but they would be fun none the less to find a new movie you haven’t seen and give it a watch!

Have you seen all of the movies on these two lists? Let me know in the comments below!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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