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Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

August 17th is National Black Cat Appreciation Day.

They are not a superstition and do not bring bad luck! They are beautiful, loving, and intelligent creatures who should never be passed up for adoption because of the color of their fur. Black cats steal hearts, not souls.

Unfortunately, black cats really do have bad luck when it comes to getting adopted. 13% of Americans are superstitious of black cats crossing their path. 26.1% said color was important when adopting a new cat. In an effort to get people to adopt black cats, one Nevada shelter put on an “Adopt your own Mini Panther” campaign. All 18 black cats they had were adopted. Some organizations do not allow adoptions of black cats during the month of September and October for fear of animal cruelty which then lessens their chances of being adopted.

I have never once regretted adopting my little mini panther. He is such an absolutely precious member of our family. I used to work in a shelter years ago in North Carolina and black cats always took the longest to adopt. It may have had something to do with being in the south and silly superstitions. When I finally had my own place years later, I knew for a fact that no matter what, I wanted to adopt an adult black cat. I did and he has been an amazing addition to our home ever since.

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