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Heal Yourself of Fear Spell

Fear and terror are very self-limiting. It can stop you from taking first steps in incredible directions. If you have an inner fear of phobia you want to conquer, this spell could prove useful. It is essential to have a clear understanding and visualization of your phobia and sometimes having a picture or item that represents it. If you want to make this into a gris gris or spell bag, have the material on hand at the time of the spell.

You will need:

  • Orange candle
  • Anointing oil representing courage such as 7 African Powers or Healing
  • 3 Rose quartz for clarity
  • 1 Tiger’s eye for courage
  • Paper with the word FEAR written on it
  • Picture or item of your fear/ phobia (optional)
  • Sharp knife
  • Tiwaz rune for courage
  • Fabric and string for spell bag (optional)

The Spell:

Using the knife, carefully inscribe the candle with your name and the words REMOVE MY FEAR. Also inscribe Tiwaz, the rune for courage.

If you are making this spell into a spell bag, lay the cloth out in the area you are working. Anoint the candle with your oil and then place the paper with the word FEAR written on it on top of the spell cloth. You can place your optional picture or item of your fear on top of this. Place your candle in the center and then light it. Rose quartz brings your mind clarity and prevents worries from festering. The tiger’s eye will bring you the ability to move forward with courage.

Hold 2 stones in each hand and repeat this spell 3 times.  

With this crystal I remove my fear
With this candle I settle my doubt
Burning down it no longer bothers me
Moving forward unimpeded is my route

Surround the candle with all 4 crystals and allow the candle to burn all the way down, being careful not to let it catch the paper or fabric on fire. Once the candle has completely burned down, gather all of the items together in the fabric and tie the spell closed. Place it on your altar or your sacred space for 3 days so that it can take effect.

When the spell was complete, I dripped 3 drops of 7 African Powers and Healing oil on it to finish it off along with a bit of salt for cleansing. And of course I tied it with 3 snake charms, the snake representing Hekate as well as symbol of protection in Egypt for Isis and Sehkmet. Symbolism at its finest! You don’t have to but I did as an afterthought! I would love to hear how this spell goes for you and what you might do different. Drop a comment below!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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