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How many points will you get?

I thought this was pretty cool because it kind of gives you a feel of just how much paranormal activity is in your life. I got 255 out of 460. Not too shabby!

My home is incredibly haunted and I have quite a few ghostly residents. I have a man I named Frank, a kitty ghost I named Fluffy Frank, and now my sweet Niku. Although Niku doesn’t come around as often as I want him too…. I have seen many a ghost and even those who have come to my home have seen them here. One time, a ghost with a super gravelly voice whispered in my ear while I was sleeping “KNOCK KNOCK” and it freaked me out. I yelled to never do that again and I haven’t heard it since. The ghost kitty likes to rub against your ankles and rubs his nose against you pretty often. I see shadow figures all the time all over my house.

I’ve actually taken part in multiple ouija board events but we have never been able to contact anything, unfortunately. I have seen many an orb and I have caught many orbs on camera. I’ve seen tons of objects move around my house for years. My friends and I have even gone on ghost hunts in haunted hotels and other locations which is always fun! I’ve even gotten a few pics of them on camera. I have also seen a strange black mist in my home floating about two feet off the ground. It was very odd. I walked by and had to do a double take because I wasn’t sure what I was seeing. It disappeared when I walked into the room to better look at it. I still don’t know what it was but it was right where the initial words “Knock knock” were said in my ear.

At the first clinic I worked at, we often heard our names whispered in the women’s bathroom/locker room. No one would be in there and you would hear your name usually when you were in the first stall. Super weird but that clinic was definitely haunted in a few different ways. I love spooky places and I have gone to more haunted places than I can name. If I waited for someone to join me, I would never get anywhere. So I often go alone. I don’t wait for anyone!

This is just a few things I have experienced personally. What are your totals and some of your own experiences? I would love to hear them in the comments below!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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