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How to make a healing sachet

As promised, my next post is going to be about how to make a healing sachet! As I said previously, I did undergo a surgery and now I am one organ down so healing is very important for me right now, especially with some of the random bleeding I have experienced while healing.

The finished sachet turned out lovely and smells amazing. I carry it with me in my purse and hold it during meditations.

Finger Labyrinth Travel Meditation Cards can be found here

I began by gathering all my ingredients and clearing my mind with a labyrinth meditation. This labyrinth is the Poitiers Cathedral Labyrinth has an asymmetric shape that resembles a tree. I chose this design because it creates a central alcove where you may reflect on life and growth.

As I was preparing, Constantine decided to get some meditation of his own in.


White sachet or material- White is a color associated with healing and positivity.
Tiger’s Eye- A stone of protection, particularly useful in healing illness.
Hematite- Hematite is connected to the blood. Hematite is considered to be one of the best stones for increasing healthy circulation in the body which is great for healing. Hematite keeps your tissues healthy, it makes sure you can properly absorb all your nutrients, and it detoxifies the body.
Pearl- Helps to treat wounds and prevent infections.
Sage- Used to cleanse your space, your energy, crystals, rocks and rid any negative or low energies. Helps amplify good intentions.
Rose- Rose petals are mildly sedative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic. The antiseptic nature of rose petals makes them a wonderful treatment for wounds, bruises, rashes, and incisions.
Lavender- Relaxing and stress releasing, lavender is great for mental healing.
Mint- Mint is clean and healing, especially on stomach and bowels.
Black Pepper- Protection, banish negative energy, ward off evil.
Sea Salt- Protects personal energy, purification, and cleansing.
Frankincense resin- Healing and protecting, resin functions as sympathetic magic because resin is what the trees use to heal themselves.
Myrrh resin- Healing and protecting, resin functions as sympathetic magic because resin is what the trees use to heal themselves.

All ingredients were ready and I had some fennel, star anise seed, and ginger tea to ground myself afterwards. I blessed each ingredient and asked for healing as I added them so the sachet.

Once it was finished, I sorted through my stones to seal the sachet closed.

Originally, I was going to use labradorite but I couldn’t figure out how to incorporate it in a way that worked for me. Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. I also had a moon charm as our bodies recover while we sleep. The 3 stars represent Hekate. Again, I couldn’t figure out how I could possibly incorporate it in a way that worked for me. Always be flexible and fluid in your designs! Even if you want to incorporate every healing and symbolic stone, charm, herb, etc. into your design, sometimes, the best way to go about magic is by your gut and what calls to you. The final design only incorporates the pearl inside the sachet and tiger’s eye and rainbow hematite around the outside tying the sachet shut.

I really love the final design!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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