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I’m back from surgery!

Hello lovelies! I know the blog has seemed silent for a few weeks but there is a great reason for that! I finally had the surgery I have been waiting on since March! It took so long because of COVID-19 of course but I finally had it and these last few weeks have been recovery and spending time with friends and family. We are on the mend!

I was very blessed to have my (witchy) cousin come and take care of me the first week of my surgery and recovery and a friend come for a week as well to take care of me after she left. No lifting more than 15lbs and all that….. The next post will be a healing sachet that you can create for either yourself or someone you love so that you can send love and healing their way. Or Mabon… Mabon is basically here….


My (witchy) cousin makes very beautiful jewelry and created these 3 pieces specifically for me and my surgery/healing. She blesses each bead with intention as she strings them. I wore them before and after the surgery and for the first 2 weeks with minimal to no bleeding. Then I took them off for 3 days because I was just lounging around the house and grocery shopping. Nothing crazy right? Wrong. On day 4, I had to go to the ER for heavy bleeding. I put the bracelets back on when I got back home and it tapered off a little bit each day until I am finally back to normal. I’m a believer!

Bracelet 1: She incorporated my ocean theme again with all kinds of lovely sea creatures and mother of pearl to treat wounds and prevent infections.
Bracelet 2: She was nice and subtle with my ocean theme and the center bead is one I asked her to use because I love it. She used opal and labradorite, both water stones of healing. Opal is an emotional stabilizer and is a stone associated with healing. Labradorite balances hormones, encouraging complete health and well being, and can also aid in keeping pain and tension on the down-low.
Bracelet 3: She incorporated my ocean theme with the sea horses and added amethyst, a stone of peace, dreams, and courage for the upcoming surgery she knew I was nervous about.

If you are interested in one of your own, you can visit her Etsy Shop. She also does custom orders!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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