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Imbolc Correspondences

Animals: Deer, hawks, owls, groundhogs, bears, crows, ravens, wolves, lambs, ewes, snakes, robins, sheep, burrowing animals, hibernating animals, swans, badgers,

Mythological: Phoenix, dragon, firebirds,

Drink: Spiced wines, herbal teas, apple cider, white wine, beer, milk,

Food: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppyseed cake, muffins, scones and breads, all dairy products, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins, blackberries, pork dishes, leeks, shallots, olives, butter, cheese, grains, hops, lamb, yogurt, beef, spicy foods in honor of the sun, oats, milk, buttermilk, eggs, dried fruit, honey,

Colors: Pink, white, red, pale yellow, light blue, greens, black, brown, lavender, silver,

Gods: Gods as young men or boys, Februa/ Februus, Aengus Mac Og, Eros, Dagon, Pan, Pax, Freyr, Lupercas, Faunus, Inuus,

Goddesses: Virgin or child goddesses, Brighid, Aradia, Athena, Inanna, Gaia, Diana, Lucina, Selene, Venus, Vesta, Bromwen, Artio, Artemis, Persephone, Selene, Vara, Hestia, Ana, Aphrodite, Artemis, Freya, Gerda, Hygia,

Ruling Planet: Saturn, Uranus

Gemstones: Onyx, garnet, turquoise, bloodstone, amethyst, ruby, heliotrope, rose quartz, moonstone, amber, geodes, tiger’s eye,

Sabbat gemstones can be worn in the form of jewelry and also placed on the altar to empower Sabbat rituals with vital energies of Gaia. In addition, they can be used to mark off ritual circle space. Some witches also use them when performing Sabbat divinations. For example, the scrying of an obsidian mirror or sphere at Samhain, or the use of a rose quartz crystal as a dowsing pendulum at Spring Equinox.

Incense: Basil, bay, wisteria, rosemary, cinnamon, violet, vanilla, myrrh, benzoin, celandine, camphor, frankincense, jasmine, lotus,

Plants/Oils: Angelica, basil, heather, myrrh, celandine, bay, laurel, coltsfoot, iris, tansy, violets, all white and yellow flowers, rosemary, benzoin, acorns, crocus, hyacinth, primrose, snowdrops, evergreens, willow trees, blackberry, clover, dill, heather, angelica, asafetida, chamomile, caraway, catnip, cinnamon, clove, copal, coriander, dittany of Crete, elderflower, lilac, lavender, marjoram, mint, pomegranate, saffron, sage, wormwood,

Symbols: Besoms, cauldron full of earth, Brideo’gas, yellow and white flowers in a green wreath and white candle in the center, candle wheel, Brighid’s Cross, Crosses, priapic wands, ploughs, acorns, candles, horse shoes, sheep, snowflakes, sun, swans, shepherd’s crook, seeds, brides, grain dolly, burrowing animals, ewes, Imbolc wands, seeds, sun wheel,

Magickal Energies: Purity, growth, renewal, reunion of the goddess and god, fertility, dispensing old and making way for new, agriculture, beginning, birth, cleansing, courtship, divination, fertility, hearth, home, lactation, life, love, meditation, opportunity, planning, planting, preparation, protection, purity, rebirth, the sun, spiritual goal setting, spring, strength, youth, agriculture, honor spirit within, first stirring of mother earth, growth of the sun god, middle of winter,

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,