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Improving Store Bought Decor

I absolutely love spooky season and the stores never disappoint. However, there are some items that are really cool or a really cool concept but they don’t quite meet my home’s aesthetic. But that is where a few drops of glue and a few charms come in to play! I say this because the winter months can be very difficult to get through but arts and crafts are a great way to explore your practice, add to the decor or even seasonal decor, and focus your mind if you are feeling overwhelmed. I know I am! So without further ado… My snake entangled mirror!

I bought this super cool wall hanging but it was just so simple and nothing in my house is simple. I was out of clear glue so I just used clear nail polish and that worked just fine. I didn’t have charms small enough but I did have some cool manicure nail art charms on hand! It worked out perfectly. I took my time laying out the pattern first. I didn’t just jump in and start gluing things down! It took a few tries but I finally found the right pattern that really gave my new snake entangled mirror the perk it needed to fit into my home. Finally, I used some tweezers to move the charms around and glue them down. All of this took maybe 10 minutes and that is with pulling things out and putting them away again.

I am quite happy with the finished product and it looks great in my hallway. Did anyone else get this mirror and jazz it up? I would love to hear all about your creativity in the comments!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron
Spotify Podcast: 3 Cats and a Cauldron (Soon to come to all of your favorite podcasting platforms!)

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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