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Lammas/ lughnasadh Correspondences

Tarot card:  Strength

Rune:  Ehwaz  

Animals: calf, cock, lamb, stag, calves, horse, bull

Mythological: phoenix, griffin, centaur

Drink: beer, cider, herbal tea, blackberry wine

Food: apples, bilberries, multigrain breads, fish, fruit, grains, honeycomb, toffee, blackberry pie, corn, meats, potatoes, barley cakes, nuts, wild berries, apples, rice, roasted lamb, acorns, crab apples, summer squash, turnips, oats, grapes, pears, oats, onion, apricot

Colors: gold, bright yellow, green, brown, orange, red, grey, bronze

Gods: Adonis, Crom Cruach, Dagon, Esus, Hermes, Jesus, John Barleycorn, Lugh, Mercury, Osiris, Tammuz, Vulcan, Cernunnos, Lahar, Liber, Neper, Odin, Hercules, Loki, Baal, Green Man, Kern, and all grain and father gods.

Goddesses: Annona, Ceres, Cerridwen, Corn Grandmother, Danu/Anu, Demeter, Eire, Isis, Persephone, Rhiannon, Selu, Tailtiu, Tailte, Alphito, Anat, Derridwen, Ishtar, Libera, Luna, Sif, Blodeuwedd, Ceres, and all grain, agricultural, and mother goddesses.

Sabbat Gemstones: peridot, citrine, aventurine, tourmaline, amber, carnelian, obsidian, gold topaz, amber, brown agate, clear quartz, moss agate, tigers eye, yellow diamonds, sardonyx, carnelian, iron, cat’s eye, marble, granite, lodestone

Sabbat gemstones can be worn in the form of jewelry and also placed on the altar to empower Sabbat rituals with vital energies of Gaia. In addition, they can be used to mark off ritual circle space. Some witches also use them when performing Sabbat divinations. For example, the scrying of an obsidian mirror or sphere at Samhain, or the use of a rose quartz crystal as a dowsing pendulum at Spring Equinox.

Incense: chamomile, copal, rosemary, sandalwood, frankincense, aloe, rose, rose hips, passionflower, allspice, safflower

Plants/Oils: grains, sunflowers, heather, hollyhock, grapes, pears, myrtle, acacia, apples, barley, corn, fruit, garlic, grape vine, heather, hops marigold, myrtle, oak leaf, onion, sunflower, vegetables, wheat, cornstalks, wheat, rice, rye, ginseng, aloe, calendula, cyclamen, vervain, fenugreek

Symbols: candles, canning jars, corn dolly, hay bales, corn ears, wheat sheaves, scythe, summer flowers, grains, cornucopia, sunflowers, sickle, water, earth, sacrifice, harvest, fruits/ grains, horse, bull, well, full moon, iron

Magical Energies: harvest, agriculture, bounty, business deals, cultivation, death, farewells, farming, fertility, gardening, growth, gratitude, abundance, fruition, hope, life, meditation, preparation, preservation, rebirth, reflection, release regrets, resurrection, sacrifice, thankfulness, transitions, full moon, iron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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