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Love Magic: Part 5- Love Spells: The Basics and Ethics

When we elevate a thought by infusing it with our magical intention, it transforms into energy. Spell-casting is the art of identifying, raising, and directing energy to actualize our intentions and when it comes to matters of the heart, love spells are the perfect tool for inviting positivity and connection into our lives. Everyone goes into relationships with a different personality and history. We bring emotional baggage into our relationship as well. We come with different expectations, different ways of approaching issues, and different opinions about what matters in life. You don’t have to agree on everything but you do have to find a way to handle your differences so that they do not become divisive. Be it an already established relationship or you wanting to begin a relationship with someone, magic can be there to support you in your endeavors.

Love magic has been around for millennia and is practiced by all denominations, races, social classes, and backgrounds across the world. Love magic is not limited to one path or belief and there is a plethora of different approaches to love magic. While some love spells are extremely complicated, calling for obscure ingredients and implementation at specific times, others are extremely simple and straightforward. Some spells are there to help attract love while other enhance love that has already been established. Some spells are for healing love magic while others are for increasing desire or increasing chances at finding love.

Because witchcraft has been around for centuries, conversations about ethics in magic are just as old as the craft. Love spells in the magical community are a fairly divisive topic, and conversations around practicing them ethically, if at all, are easy enough to find in online communities like Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and even TikTok. In truth, witches have been talking about love spells and the ethics of said spells for centuries. Love spells have long been a part of magical communities, describing the “wise woman’s” role in society. In the past, a person might visit their local witch or wise woman and ask for a spell for a broken heart or to attract a new partner, but not necessarily direct the spell at a particular person.

Many express misgivings about spells directed at individuals because they violate free will and consent but highlight other types of more ethical love magic. Consent is still very important! Ask yourself if the target of your magic would feel the same way without a spell cast on them. If not, you may be crossing an important line. Ask yourself how you would appreciate that same magic being used upon yourself. Would you? That may be a deciding factor in if you carry out the spell. Some sexual assault activists and experts hold the same boundaries on love spells and how they could be considered assault or at the least, forgoing proper consent. How you cast a spell can make all the difference. If the person on whom you are casting the spell has already drawn a boundary and expressed a lack of interest, then the spell is very likely unethical, immoral, manipulative, and/or abusive. However, if the intent is to create an opportunity to see if something organic happens, then it is likely harmless in nature and does not cross any ethical boundaries. Discussions about the effects of love spells from the perspective of those who were targets or their merits are easily found in witchcraft communities online today. However, there are other forms of more ethical love magic such as rekindling relationships, drawing (general) love to your person, self love spells, healing love energy, and sex magic.

Unfortunately, others might visit a witch with less ethical methods and pay for a spell to make a certain person fall in love with them, with every intention to circumnavigate their target’s free will and ensnare their emotions. It didn’t matter if the target person wanted to be in love, and they certainly would not have been asked for consent. For a certain amount of money or a favor, an unethical witch would perform the ritual.

Even Genie couldn’t do it!

True long lasting emotional love is a choice.

Before you begin, make sure that you are aware of your abilities and exactly what it is you want. When it comes to love magic, there is nothing more important than clearly defining what you are looking for. Make sure that you have realistic expectations. Casting a love spell so that a hot young billionaire like Christian Gray shows up is rather unlikely to work. But clearly stating you want someone with a loving heart who is there for you sexually is both broad and clear at the same time. The criteria is a broad to ensure you have a larger pool of candidates but you are being very clear on what it is you are looking for. mention the qualities that you want a person to possess such as loving, caring, funny, etc. If you’re focusing your spell on a specific individual, you need to already have a strong connection with that person and you shouldn’t attempt to transform who they are or how they feel; instead, focus on inviting more abundance and love into your relationship with them.

I never actually read/watched 50 Shades of Gray to be honest…

Unlike your exes, the universe doesn’t play games: It gets right to the point, and so when you’re casting a love spell, your intentions need to be extremely specific. Remember, spells are simply conduits for energy, and if your spell is based on generalizations, your results will be imprecise. If you’re involving your partner in your spell, you can focus on that person by creating an incantation that incorporates their name, for example.

Alternatively, you can create attraction spells to welcome new love or release romantic blockages, and although these concepts are broader, you can still get specific about the intentions within them: Are you looking for long-term commitment or passionate sex? Maybe both! Are you seeking to let go of painful, lingering feelings for your ex? Make sure you know precisely what you want to achieve before beginning your spell.

Keep in mind that a person unavailable in one realm is unavailable in all realms. For instance, if your lover is extremely blocked in the spiritual realm, spells can do little to help you deepen your relationship with them in the physical realm; they must be emotionally and spiritually open to spellwork first. Alternatively, if the object of your affection is currently in a relationship with someone else in the physical realm, they are not someone you can connect with in the spiritual realm. (You don’t want to set an intention of ending someone else’s happy relationship?)

To find the most direct route to manifesting your intention, spend some time figuring out which correspondences best suit your needs. If you are drawn to moon cycles, explore the offerings of each lunation: New moons, for instance, are a great time to begin something new, whereas full moons are useful for discovering truths. Days of the week, colors, textures, herbs, leaves, and crystals are all time-honored correspondence devices, as their unique properties can amplify the power of your spells. Will you be doing a potion or a spell? Will you be using candles or making a sachet? Romance rituals will work well on Fridays. This is because the Venus day falls on a Friday. You can also try love rituals during New Moon because that’s when intention can easily become real.

There’s a fine line between awareness and compulsion. Once you release your magical intention, it will take the best route to reach its destination, but this route won’t necessarily be the fastest. Your energy has the power to bypass obstacles, but in order for the universe to do its thing, you need to give it time, space, and trust. When you obsess over the outcome of your spell, you infuse this energetic current with desperation, fear, and doubt. This energy muddles the effectiveness of manifestations.

If you are single and looking for love, a spell can help you get your dream lover. We all want love in our lives and sometimes we need a special nudge in that direction to make it happen. Some magic kicks in right away and other times, the magic takes time to manifest itself. People who cast a love spell often want instant results. However, these spells sometimes need time to work because it is about two people and their emotions. After you cast your spells, you should be willing to take inspired steps to further your chances. Reach out to someone you have interest in or sign up for a dating site. Go out to the bar or try a tipsy art class. Even the most potent love spell can’t send your dream lover straight to your doorstep.

Witch Tip: For casting a successful spell, always choose materials that are meaningful to you. Next, create an invocation about what you want and use clearly stated intentions.

Be aware there is a chance your spell will not work or could even backfire. Negative effects could include stalking, driving apart a relationship, or even accidently ruining your own relationships.

Have you used love spells before? What results did you get? Tell us more about your experience in the comments!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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