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Lucky Key Charm

Alright Witches! It’s time for some more crafting! One of the my favorite things about witchcraft is how versatile the ingredients are and how easy it is to come by them. Just before my surgery, I found a key on the street in front of my house. It made me feel better knowing that Hekate was aware of my fears and giving me a sign. One of the Hekate’s symbols is a key, if you were not aware of this particular goddess’s attributes. The day OF my surgery, I walked outside to take out the trash and found 3 feathers in my yard. I took all of those as proof that Hekate was watching over me and giving me a sign that I GOT THIS. I kept all 4 items on my altar until just recently when an idea came to me to make them into a good luck charm.

Honestly, it was very simple. The key color was not doing it for me and so I used a basic acrylic paint to paint it black. I considered an ocean theme but….. Nah. Not this time. I used some gardening thread to tie the 3 feathers together and form the loop to attach them to the key. Finally, I sculpted a bird skull, painted it for more realism, and hot glued it onto the key.

Personally, I am a HUGE fan of the outcome. It now sits on my altar charging so that whenever I need it, I can use it as my personal good luck charm. What’s better is that all of the items were gifted to me from Hekate at a time when I was scared with moving forward. They hold meaning and that makes the charm even more potent.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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