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Making Scented Bone Powder Bottle

This project wasn’t so much making the bottle as much as I was trying to use the bottle in a productive manner around my home. A few years back, I bought this really cool witchy looking bottle. I am currently in the process of making my house just a bit more my aesthetic but I don’t like things to just be for display. The bottle was cool but I wanted to be able to actually use it. The cork was hot glued down but otherwise, it was large enough I could definitely make use of it.

I decided to use the current label it had to inspire what I would use it for! I use sandalwood baby powder every day because Texas is hot and humid and sweat is a thing here. Scented bone powder indeed! I figured I could use my heat gun to melt the hot glue and loosen the cork. It worked great!

Very carefully, I used the heat gun to heat up around the cork and did my best to kind of wedge it out. After about a minute of heat and wiggling, it popped right out. I removed the last of the hot glue from the cork and glass opening area after that. I had to break off the top of the sandalwood powder to get it open but it was ok because it all fit. I didn’t want to make a mess with the powder and used a regular kitchen funnel to fill the bottle. Everything fit perfectly and the cork fit nice and tightly back on to secure the powder! Now my bathroom has a bottle of sandalwood scented bone powder that I can use every morning instead of a big bottle of big plastic bottle sitting out and taking away from my house’s bougie/witchy aesthetic!

I definitely recommend this crafting project for anyone who wants to add a little magical glamour to their home! It took about 5 minutes total from start to finish. The bottle was cheap and tons of this type come out around Halloween every year. The At Home store, Dollar Tree, and Michaels tend to sell these types of bottles. Take a look around and see which ones have labels that match something you use every day and begin storing them in a much more exotic manner for daily use!

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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