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Manifestation happens in odd littles ways

I know I haven’t been posting quite as much lately and I wanted to give you all and explanation as to why that is. On Samhain I was doing a happiness and prosperity manifestation spell and literally a moment later, both of my toilets and bathtubs backflowed waste water. Oh my gosh! How is that manifesting happiness and prosperity?! You might ask yourself. And if you look in the here and now, you might be correct. However, although it is a headache right at this moment, it is going to really help us out in the end.

My husband and I have had to learn to work together in ways that we have never had to before and although it has tested our patience greatly, we have also grown closer together as a couple as well. Was it frustrating? Oh absolutely. For sure. It cost us $23,000 in damages which took weeks to clean up and dry out. They even had to cut out a good portion of our walls! But the insurance is going to pay for just about all of it. I wanted to change out the subway tile, and it is covered. I wanted to redo all the floors, and it is covered. I wanted to paint a lot of the rooms of my house but just never found the time, and it is covered. New floors in 4 rooms, a new toilet, new vanities, and new shower stone walls, freshly painted rooms, and all of it is covered. We just have to pay the $2,000 deductible.

I would say that the $2,000 MORE than makes up for what is going to be done to our house and the short amount of time it will be completed in instead of myself and my husband having to do the work and pay for all of it over a long period of time, giving up our weekends to get the work done. It has put me in contact with quite a few really nice folks who offered to do other odd jobs around the house for extremely reasonable prices should I need them in the future. And on top of all that, it is going to raise the value of my home exponentially because my home was built in 85 and trust me when I say it LOOKS like it was built in 85. But the updates here are going to really help up its selling power when we move in about a year and a half.

While this was a chaotic and frustrating way to end 2022, I assure you that it will make 2023 that much more comfortable and 2024 that much more profitable when we finally sell our home to move. Did I want to deal with a renovation right this instant? Absolutely not. I would have preferred to time it. Am I going to be ok? You better believe it. Living is a little rough right now because everything had to be gutted but the walls have finally been put back in and materials are all ordered. Construction is in the process and the contractor is amazing and willing to work with our difficult schedules.

It is going to bring us both the prosperity and the happiness I had wanted because I will finally really love my home customized by me and the increased value from the fantastic updates we are able to add. We would never have been able to afford all these little projects I’ve wanted if this hadn’t happened. I know some folks get extremely frustrated with life and all it has to offer but when we consider the long term affects of what is happening around us, sometimes it is important to note that the good can vastly outweigh the bad despite it being what seems to be a bad situation. In this case, I was very lucky and I am manifesting a fantastic sacred space for myself and my husband. The kitties get to sniff all new smells and meet all new people and in the long run, we are killing it!

Not all manifestations happen that quickly. Some take months and some take years. But give yourself an opportunity to see the the different ways that you can be blessed even if at the time it doesn’t seem like a blessing! How are your dreams manifesting themselves? Tell me in the comments below! I would love to hear!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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1 year ago

I love it when spellwork pops up in clever ways like that. Reminds us to keep our eyes on the big picture. Congrats on the new bathrooms, enjoy!