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The more I researched moonstone, the more I realized exactly why I drawn to it when I picked out my wedding ring.

Birthstone: June
Meaning: Divination, Balance
Chakras: All Chakras
Zodiac: Cancer
Planet: Moon
MOH’s Scale: 6-6.5
Element: Water
God/Goddess: Hekate, Diana, Selene, Isis, Ceridwen, Hanwi, Nyx, All Lunar Goddesses, Thoth,
Anniversary Gift: 13th

Moonstone is a sodium potassium aluminum silicate of the feldspar group that displays a pearly and opalescent schiller. The feldspar family, the most common minerals in the earth’s crust, are aluminum silicates, which are given their distinctive colors through the addition of other metals and minerals. The most beautiful examples of feldspars are of gem quality, these being amazonite, labradorite, moonstone, and sunstone. Feldspars are often softer than the quartz family and need to be looked after carefully because they tend to chip easily.

An alternative name for moonstone is hecatolite named after the goddess Hecate (Hekate). The name moonstone derives from the stone’s characteristic visual effect, called adularescence (or schiller), which produces a milky, bluish interior light. These components separate into two layers during the formation of the mineral. Therefore, the light that falls between these layers scatters and we see an amazing glow inside the stone. The diffracted light varies from white to blue, depending on the thinness of the albite layers. Polished moonstones often display chatoyancy (“cat’s eye” effect), where a luminous streak appears through the stone. It can come in many different shades, such as white, blue, gray, peach, and others.

Deposits of moonstone occur in Armenia (mainly from Lake Sevan), Australia, the Austrian Alps, Mexico, Madagascar, Myanmar, Norway, Poland, India, Sri Lanka, and the United States. There are a plethora of moonstones on Cambria Beach, California. Historically, the most valuable, transparent moonstones with strong blue sheen came from Myanmar. The moonstone is the Florida State Gemstone; it was designated as such in 1970 to commemorate the Moon landings, which took off from Kennedy Space Center. However, it does not naturally occur in the state.

The beautiful sheen of moonstone seems to wax and wane like its namesake and the crystal is featured in much lunar folklore. Moonstone has been used in jewelry for millennia, including ancient civilizations. It is considered a sacred link to the moon in many cultures.

The Romans admired moonstone, as they believed it was derived from solidified rays of the Moon and it was often used in sacred jewelry. They believed that the stone had the power to endow love, wealth, and wisdom. Both the Romans and Greeks associated moonstone with their lunar deities and it was especially sacred to Titan Goddess Hekate.

In ancient India, people thought that the stone grew under the rays of the moon and absorbed its mystical qualities. There is an Indian belief that placing a moonstone in the mouth during a full moon would enable lovers to divine their future together. A Sri Lankan belief recounted that every 37 years, waves influenced by the moon hurled opalescent blue moonstones onto the seashores.

Moonstone was used in the Middle Ages to treat consumption (on a waxing moon), for divination (on a waning moon), and to reconcile lovers (on a full moon). It was also believed that placing a moonstone in your mouth improved your memory. The stone was rinsed with water and placed on the tongue. You would then think about your affairs while the stone fixed important issues in your mind and let more trivial problems slip away. Another method used was the Christian prayer asking for God’s guidance for the future involving holding a moonstone in the mouth during a waning moon. The stone would then send the prayer to the Archangel Gabriel to be heard and carried out.

In more recent history, moonstone became popular during the Art Nouveau period; French goldsmith René Lalique and many others created a large quantity of jewelry using this stone.

According to Feng Shui, moonstone is a stone for creativity and children. You would use it on the right side of your home towards the middle to enhance your creative qualities as well as towards the front right side enhancing travel and friend relationships. Moonstone is an incredible stone symbolizing the moon, sea, and cycles.

The most powerful time to use moonstone is during the full moon. Placing it in the moonlight of a moon reaching its fullness, not a waning moon, can revitalize it. Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. It will bring good fortune, peace, and tranquility. Moonstone is very effective at calming the mind and stabilizing emotions. Moonstone encourages us to discover our true selves and face our inner demons. It brings balance to both our Yin and Yang energies and encourages hope. This, in turn, lessens instability and stops overreactions to emotional triggers. It does well counteracting aggressive persons while promoting honest, self-expression, dignity, and courage.

Moonstone is a very particular and personal stone. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. This is why the moonstone is said to perceive that which ‘is’. Moonstone is an excellent stone to use in meditation to understand oneself. It aides in communication by promoting clear thinking and receptivity. Moonstone cleanses and strengthens the aura helping the wearer feel more energetic and positive.

Witch Tip: Wear moonstone as an amulet to bring positive emotions to the wearer, while protecting those of a more sensitive nature.

Moonstone encourages us to open ourselves up to intimacy and attract real love. Associated with love of all kinds, it opens the heart (and Heart Chakra) and reveals our true emotions. Because the stone is so in tune with positive emotions, it is quite receptive to love drawing. It is said that wearing or carrying a moonstone will bring love into your life. For lovers, moonstone evokes romantic tenderness rather than intense passion. The moonstone is also prized for its ability to work out problems between lovers, especially those who have bitterly fought. It is very powerful and can help to reunite lovers who have quarreled. Hold a moonstone, empower it with loving vibrations, and give it to your troubled mate.

Witch Tip: On the night of the full moon and by its light, surround a pink candle with moonstone. Then light the candle and visualize yourself in a loving relationship.

Witch Tip: To bring love into your life, wear moonstone by your heart or over your heart chakra, hold it in your left hand during meditation, place it by your bedside or under your pillow, or place it on top of your simple written intention to bring unconditional love into your life. Recite the intention every evening before bed: I am opening my heart with ease and trust.

Witch Tip: Give your lover or significant other a moonstone necklace when the moon is full to always have passion with one another. To make it even more powerful, share this ritual with them by exchanging stones together.

While this stone can be used in conjunction with all Chakras, moonstone works in a harmonious rhythm with the third eye and crown chakra to open the door to inner strength and growth. It is also said to bring strong energies of abundance to one’s life. Moonstone will cause unexpected advantages to turn up in your life. Moonstone is believed to be a stone of destiny. It can focus your mind on the changes and opportunities ahead and enable you to embrace them with grace and optimism. Long regarded as the gemstone of wish fulfillment, it is said to help fulfill those wishes but tends to work better on things that are needed versus things that are just wanted. It will bring you all that is needed.

Shimmering translucent white or cream colored, moonstone is the stone of the moon in all her phases. Moonstone is the most lunar of stones and is used for anything associated with the moon. Moonstone derives its name from the belief that it has mystical properties associated with the moon and many qualities are attributed to this crystal/lunar connection. It represents the goddess energy and the feminine principal. As this stone is sacred to Hekate, Diana, and many another goddess, use this stone to enhance your feminine energies and invoke your feminine power.

Use moonstone to intensify the female intuition/psychic abilities and strengthen your divination abilities. Moonstone is a stone of intuition and by improving your intuition, the end result will be improved psychic abilities and thus improved divination. It will allow you a greater ability for visions and other psychic abilities.

Witch Tip: Moonraking is an old technique used in magic to charge water for scrying or spells. It is performed under a full moon using a silver or crystal bowl half filled with dew or spring water. A moonstone is placed in the water to enhance the process. Charge the water now. Using hand gestures, imagine you are ‘raking’ the rays of the full moon into the water in the bowl. Visualize silvery light filling and charging the water. The moon water may then be used for scrying, cleansing, or lunar spells.

Witch Tip: Use moonstone to help develop your psychic abilities. During meditation or attempts at astral projection, place a moonstone over your Third Eye Chakra. This will enhance the energies of your mind and sharpen your focus. It is best to practice this exercise with the moon’s light shining on you. Imagine the moonstone acts as a lunar lens, focusing the moon’s rays into your mind to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

Moonstone creates new beginnings, new directions, and supports and enhances creativity. It aids with inspiration and is also said to be good at bringing success in business matters, as well as good fortune. It is thought to protect those travelling during long journeys, especially by sea or by moonlight, and is sometimes known as the traveller’s stone.

Witch Tip: Black tourmaline inclusions within moonstone provide a comforting grounded and protective energy to a pursuit of change and new beginnings.

Because of its association with the moon, the bringer of sleep and re-brith, the stone is a fantastic stone for those who suffer from sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, insomnia, and nightmares.

Witch Tip: Keep a piece of moonstone by your bedside or place it under your pillow to improve sleep and promote lucid dreaming. Moonstone beads can also be worn to bed to ensure restful sleep.

This stone is worn or used in rituals designed to renew or maintain youthful appearance and attitude. It allows deep rooted energy to come to the forefront, in your mind, your feelings, and your life to come to the forefront.  The earth is patient and flexible and moonstone helps to pass along those properties. Moonstone encourages patience and sympathy with others. It helps us to achieve mental clarity and nurturing. Like malachite and jade, moonstone is associated with gardening.

Witch Tip: Moonstone is associated with the growth of plants through its connection with the moon. It is a good stone to use to help your garden bloom. To boost plants and trees that refuse to grow, place a moonstone at the base of the stem or hang it from the branches. Wear moonstone during planting, watering, or working in your garden. Bury a small moonstone while visualizing your garden bursting with fertility. The crystal will draw the energy of the moon to encourage growth. You can also place a moonstone in a watering can or water plants with moonraked water to promote growth.

It is strongly connected to the moon and the divine feminine, making it a wonderful healer for women full of motherly love. Moonstone is helpful for women of all ages and stages of life and acts as a stone of protection during childbirth and pregnancy. Aligned with the moon, it is perfect for reproductive systems, monthly cycles, menstrual disease, and birth. It is said to reduce pregnancy discomfort and problems associated with menopause. Moonstone is a very supportive crystal to both the mother and baby during pregnancy. It is especially helpful for all stages of pregnancy including fertility, the pregnancy itself, childbirth, breast feeding, and hormone balance. Moonstone helps align the hormone production, metabolism, and reproduction. The moonstone’s greatest power is protecting mothers and babies.

Witch Tip: Pregnant women can wear a moonstone amulet on a silver chain. Try to find a goddess pendant with a moonstone belly. Begin with this charm and recharge the amulet under the light of a full moon:

Stone of the moon,
Grant me a boon,
And so vouchsafe,
To keep us safe,
My love and me,
By the moon and sea

It is also said to be a healing stone that can help the pineal gland, those suffering from shock, and hyperactive children. Wearing a moonstone on a hip chain is said to help those who suffer from water retention. The stone’s lunar power will help to draw out water and ease symptoms. It helps regarding disorders of the throat, neck, larynx, and vocal chords and is also said to lower blood pressure, moderates the thyroid gland, and relieve symptoms of vertigo. It cleanses the lymphatic system and strengthens the immune system and helps fight signs of aging, giving the wearer a youthful glow.

Moonstone can relieve stress related indigestion and aids those who are anxious or experiencing difficulties.

Black Moonstone

Black moonstone is a stone of financial security and prosperity. It helps to filter the stress and anxiety of money matters or a hectic environment. It protects against electromagnetic smog and pushes away negativity away as it provokes the user to stray away from anything that does not feel in a positive light. It brings grounding and charity so you can better understand your emotions and how to control them.

Black moonstone is a ‘go to’ stone for female fertility and hormonal issues. It aids in the balancing of emotions and mental state. Making it the ideal gift for a new mother or a female experiencing mood swings. Black moonstone is great to have around during sleep. It will help you remember your dreams so that you can analyze them further. On a spiritual level, black moonstone enhances intuition and gives you a deeper connection to the moon and its cycles.

Pink Moonstone

Pink moonstone or scapolite, is particularly useful for helping to open up the psychic faculties, and for work on intuition, discrimination, and clarity of thought.

The positive energies of pink crystals can help to hone your psychic skills. Meditate with pink moonstone to help develop your psychic abilities and improve your powers of visualization.

Peach Moonstone

Peach moonstone is gentle and soothing, relieving anxiety and worry. Also associated with feminine energy, peach moonstone is most associated with intuition and emotion. It will keep one calm during intense energies and emotions. This stone is associated with the Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra and is a wonderful crystal to keep close by during the full moon. Use peach moonstone to connect to the higher realms.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is not actually a moonstone. Rainbow Moonstone has a multicolored adularescence that resembles an iridescent glow. This is where the name rainbow moonstone comes from although this mineral is not a moonstone, it is white or clear labradorite. However, this is just the trade name. However, the rainbow moonstone is actually related to labradorite, as they both belong to the feldspars family.  It has the same rainbow flash inside as labradorite and little to none of the pearlessence sheen as moonstone.

Although both crystals are feldspars, they have different compositions. The moonstone consists of layers of orthoclase and albite, while the rainbow moonstone is plagioclase feldspar with a chemical composition of sodium, calcium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. This is the same chemical composition as labradorite and therefore rainbow moonstone is, in fact, a form of labradorite. Moonstone’s clarity ranges from completely translucent to nearly opaque, while rainbow moonstone is generally more translucent. Also, rainbow moonstone often contains inclusions of black tourmaline, which are visible when the stone is still untreated. Rainbow Moonstone deposits are most often found in India and Madagascar.

There are many metaphysical similarities and differences between moonstone and rainbow moonstone. Both stones have a powerful effect on a person’s intuition. They even help manifest the ability to see the future. In ancient times, it was believed that if you hold a moonstone in your mouth during a full moon, you can see into the future. These minerals both help to balance emotions and relieve stress.

These stones help to activate the creative energy of a person. They help to find non-standard approaches to solving various situations. These two minerals affect the crown chakra, aiding in the development of consciousness and spirituality.

Rainbow moonstone has a large effect on the influence on intuition and the influence on women. It arouses passion and uncovers parts of the self that we know least about. It encourages personal growth and moving into the unknown with perception. Rainbow moonstone is a protective stone, specifically for travelers.

This crystal accents the wearer’s nature because it has the colors of the rainbow bringing with it the traits of the colors as well as including the healing white light. The energy is receptive due to its water element. Rainbow moonstone aids in finding your life’s true path, provides insight, reveals the positive energy inside, calms overactive minds, and brings peace.

Rainbow moonstone can be used in purification, clear self-expression, and honest expression of thoughts. Utilize this crystal for spiritual and physical communication as well as smooth transitions into meditation, intuition, introspection, divine inspiration, dreamwork, past life recall, judgment, decision making, and increasing patience.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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