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My First Blog

I would like to welcome everyone to my first blog and subsequently, my first blog post! I am an eclectic witch that has been practicing for almost 6 years now. I have always loved everything witchy as well as enjoying a few other topics such as DIY projects, cooking, gardening, reading, health, and finances. This is something I have been wanting to do for a very long time and now that it is the glorious month of October, I have decided to finally put the proverbial pen to paper and begin.

I plan to write at least twice a week on a myriad of topics all focusing and centering on witchcraft and what it means to be an actively practicing pagan in the 21st century. I plan to start simple with magic, holidays, manifestation, symbolism, and other typical witchy things. But eventually and I will be delving into more intense and oftentimes much less discussed topics such as mental health, boundaries, and spiritual healing in your practice.

Side Note: The site is named in honor of my three very spoiled cats: Charlemagne, Constantine, and Nikolai Romanov. They are as spectacular/ crazy as their names suggest and if I am ever exhausted, one of them probably kept me up all night long!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,