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Negativity Repelling Sachet

I noticed that I have been down lately and who can blame me? The news is upsetting, the state of the world is upsetting, and most peoples’ lives have been disrupting in some way, myself included. So I decided to do something about it: a negativity repelling sachet!

You can carry it in your backpack, purse, or pocket. Keep it on your person when you leave the house to keep the stagnant energy away and repel negative energy. It creates a barrier while absorbing unwanted negative energy. Feel free to charge them under the full moon for a boost of power. I will likely make a few more to put around the house, my bed, in my car, and at my office in the future.

Pouch and string: I used a bright gold fabric to attract good vibes. It was shiny and bright satin representing sunlight and positive energy. My thread was a really pretty peacock blue. I am extremely extra (as my friends often tell me) and I wanted something that represented me to tie me in to my repelling sachet. The blue also coincides with water and sea witchery.
Protection from general bad energy and negativity: amethyst, lavender, ginger, lemon
Protection from evil: oregano, rose
Repel bad energy: basil, ginger
For happiness and good cheer: copper, peridot
Removes spiritual fear: peridot

The peridot is super small and in between the amethyst and copper if you can see it

After cleansing my sacred space, I added all of my herbs and stones. For the lemon, I used lemon essential oil. All mixed together, the herbs smelled amazing and had a very calming and relaxing effect.

Finally, I tied the sachet up with my blue string to seal it up nice and tight. Partway through gathering my ingredients, I decided to add a sunshine charm. The sun is powerful, warming, and life giving. Sunlight in itself is uplifting. Coupled with a pearl shell bead to represent my craft, and my end product was very powerful and worked great.

I brought it to work the next day and kept it in my pants pocket. Honestly, I was constantly reminded that things aren’t that bad. And when people around me were complaining, I was able to mitigate their complaints and remind them of the good. It reminded ME of the good. It worked out better than I could have hoped! I want to get a black, blue, and silver permanent ink pen to draw an evil eye on the bottom of the sachets eventually but that will come in time.

Interested in a topic/craft of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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