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Never Feel Guilty For Who You Are

These days, there are so many expectations and rules and people will not hesitate to judge you. They judge your craft, your knowledge of topics, whether you believe in the rule of 3 or not, your opinions on religion, and the list goes on. But these are all part of what makes you, you! If you need help, go ahead and ask! If you do things your way, awesome! If you are struggling to get things done and aren’t able to finish, rest assured that it happens. Never feel guilty for being you in this world! Life is hard enough without guilt weighing down your shoulders. All of these things are going to affect your mental health and then eventually, your physical health and wellbeing. Take this time now to forgive and control what you can and dismiss what you can’t.

Hop on that broom and go live the absolute best life that you can!

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TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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