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Nightly Checklist For Mental Health

Habits are hard to form and life is absolute chaos. I found a checklist on Pinterest to use as my base for creating this one. These are the big things I try to remember to do before I climb into bed. I hate more than anything when I get the house ready for bed and then when I am under the covers, I realize I forgot to do something.

I did add ‘do something magical’ for the sole reason that I work hard to be the very best witchling that I can be but some days, I just can’t do anything or I forget to and get distracted. I always feel better when I do even just a little something so this is reminder to draw a tarot card or cleanse a crystal or even just read a page or two of one of my many books on the practice.

These are a few simple things that will take about 20 minutes tops but will help towards supporting your life and your mental health. I’ve been following it for a while and it has really helped me out a lot. I leave it taped to the bathroom mirror as my reminder that I can’t brush my teeth until I have done these things. And I NEVER EVER go to bed without brushing my teeth. Feel free to print it out as many times as you need or laminate it like I did. A dry erase marker works great on lamination plastic! If it helps even one person, then it was worth posting!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
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TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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