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Gender: Female
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury, Venus
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Celtic Zodiac/ Date:
Lunar Month: N/A
Tarot: N/A
Rune: N/A
Ogham: N/A
Crystal: N/A
Deities: Aphrodite
Associated Festival: N/A
Chakras: Heart
Birth Month: N/A
Meaning: happiness
Type: Herb
Grows in Zone: 5-10
Plant for Bees?: Yes
Natural pesticide?: No
Poisonous/ Toxic: No

Oregano, also known as wild marjoram, is a member of the mint family with characteristic labiate flowers in pink or lavender. It is a bushy plant with opposite, oval-shaped leaves and the square stem shared with other mints. The stem may be woody. It usually grows to 8 to 10 inches tall. Grow in full sun with well-drained soil. Do not let the roots sit in wetness. Oregano does not need fertilizer and using it will weaken the flavor.

Plants can be propagated by seed, division or cuttings. Sprinkle seeds over the soil, and do not cover, as sunlight sparks germination. Start indoors and transplant after the danger of frost has passed. Prune monthly, clipping back flower stalks to keep the plant bushy and preventing it from bolting to seed. Once this happens, the flavor will be affected.

Different species of oregano can cross-pollinate, so if you have more than one species in your garden and collect and replant seeds the following year, you may get a surprise. Oregano dries well. Like thyme, the flavor of oregano increases with drying.

The name Oregano comes from the Greek meaning “joy of the mountains”. It grows wild on the hillsides of Greece and shepherds used to encourage their sheep to eat it, so as to improve the flavor of the meat.

It has been grown in the Mediterranean for centuries and became popular in the US after WWII. Ancient Greeks believed that oregano was a useful poison antidote and used it in poultices to treat skin irritations and infections. If oregano grew on a grave, it was an indication that the departed was happy in the afterlife. Couples were crowned with wreaths of oregano at weddings in both ancient Greece and Rome to ensure their future joy.

Traditional Chinese healers have also used oregano for generations to treat a variety of complaints. In Shakespearean times, oregano was used for just about anything. Ladies carried it to mask unpleasant odors. It was also used in a potion to enable them to see their future husband on St. Luke’s day. Oregano is a culinary herb often used in meat dishes. It Pairs well with mushrooms, tomato sauce, olives, summer squash, and fish.

Oregano oil is one of the most effective natural antibiotics known to science. Oregano is antifungal and antibacterial. It can be used for headaches, migraines, stomach upsets, colds, flus, coughs, and treatment of a UTI. Oregano is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic pain reliever for toothaches, digestive aid, relieves depression.

Oregano is a great immune support oil. Use it for viruses, infections, fungi, colds, flu, bronchitis, coughs, mold, ulcers, parasites, warts, sores, melanoma, itching skin, and MRSA.

Witch Tip: For warts, use the essential oil, apply topically 2x daily

Oregano is an antioxidant powerhouse loaded with phenols. ½ tsp of oregano has the same amount of antioxidants as a quarter cup of almonds and 4 times the antioxidant activity of blueberries. Rosmannic acid has demonstrated antimicrobial activity against food-borne pathogens and can be used topically as an herbal antiseptic. Oregano is rich in Vitamin K, iron, manganese, and kills e.  coli, and salmonella.

Oregano contains natural antihistamines. For those with hives, or other allergy problems, try drinking a cup of tea made from equal parts oregano, tarragon, basil, chamomile, and fennel daily. If you have hay fever, then leave out the chamomile. Drink this with a meal.

Oregano added to an herbal bath will relax sore muscles and help you unwind after a stressful day. Add to massage oils for muscle aches. It helps headaches and migraines as well.

Oregano is helpful in relieving bloating, digestion/ indigestion/ gastrointestinal issues, upset stomach, and food poisoning.

Witch Tip: A cup of oregano tea can be used to soothe stomach upset, colic and many digestive complaints, nervous complaints, and coughs. It also helps prevent seasickness. It is great for soothing stomach muscles. You can also use oregano oil as a massage oil to decrease swelling on sprains and fractures.

It can also be used to help regulate the menstrual cycle. Drink some in the days leading up to when your period is due.

As with all herbs used for menstrual issues, oregano should never be used by pregnant women.

Witch Tip: Using 2tsp of fresh oregano daily during menstruation reducing or eliminates cramps, according to a Greek study. This is because this herb’s thymol and carvacral relax uterine muscles to prevent painful contractions.

A tea used as a mouthwash or rubbed into the gums is good for toothaches. Oregano is a powerful antibiotic and antifungal; oregano is highly effective against Candida and therefore makes for a great mouthwash.

It can be used as a natural cleaning agent. The leaves can be rubbed over wood as a sort of wood polish. It leaves a pleasant scent.

Use oregano for energy, increased joy, strength, vitality, and love.

It has been used for centuries in many places in love potions. Add oregano to love potions and spells to help deepen an existing relationship.

Besides love, oregano has also been used for letting go. Burn oregano incense and decorate your loved one’s grave with oregano to help you let go and to help them move on.

Growing oregano near your home is supposed to protect it from evil forces. It has also been carried as a charm for the same purpose.

Witch Tip: Grind up dried oregano and add it to your carpet sprinkle to aid in protecting your home.

For justice, burning dried oregano leaves and sending your intentions through the smoke will ensure that justice will be served.

If you need more luck, it is said dressing a candle or good luck charm with oregano essential oil will expedite good luck.

When it comes to dream magic and inducing psychic dreams, tuck oregano sprigs into your pillow or create dream sachets with dried oregano to help conjure prophetic dreams.

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Use level: Easy

Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly. Always consult your doctor before using any kind of supplements.

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