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Ostara Activities

Whether you have kids or your celebrate alone, there are plenty of activities you can participate in!

My basil is coming along wonderfully!

Start a Magical Herb Garden: Plant seeds and start an herb garden at this time. You can also take a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the magic of nature and her bounty.

Clearly I got a little ahead of that but I took time to tend the plants I already have! Wash your plant leaves to ensure there is not dust on them indoors. Weed your plants outdoors. Give them a little TLC for Spring!

Bay in Salt: represent the coming of spring with salt and bay leaves in a glass.

Decorate Eggs: The egg is a symbol of rebirth. The Spring Equinox is often represented by a spring maiden carrying a basket of eggs. In addition, in Old Europe, eggs were decorated and given as gifts, as wishings of abundance in food, and prosperity. As pagan religions were shunned, followers made a game out of children finding the eggs, hidden in plants and under fences.

Pagan origins of the Easter egg- Long ago, according to legend, many animals attempted to win the favor of the goddess Eoestre, but as she is so difficult to impress, all of them failed utterly. However, one day on March 21st, a rabbit decided to attempt to impress her by taking an egg from a local hen’s nest and decorating it beautifully with paint. Much to the surprise of the other animals, Eoestre was extremely enamored by the beautiful gift, and as a result, she gave the rabbit the task of creating and delivering such beautifully decorated eggs, which he carried in a basket, to everyone in the local villages on this same day every year to this day.

Legend of Ukrainian eggs (Pysanky)- The Hutsuls, Ukrainians who live in the Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine- believe that the fate of the world depends upon the pysanka. As long as the egg decorating custom continues, the world will exist. If, for any reason, this custom is abandoned, evil in the shape of a horrible serpent who is forever chained to a cliff will overrun the world. Each year the serpent sends out his minions to see how many pysanky have been created. If the number is low, the serpent’s chains are loosened and he is free to wander the earth causing havoc and destruction. If, on the other hand, the number of pysanky has increased, the chains are tightened and good triumphs over evil for yet another year.

The art of the decorated egg in Ukraine, or pysanka, probably dates back to ancient times. No actual ancient examples exist, as eggshells are fragile. As in many cultures, Ukrainians worshipped the sun god (Dashboh). The sun was important and warmed the earth and thus was a source of all life. Eggs decorated with nature symbols became an integral part of spring rituals, serving as benevolent talismans.

You can decorate the egg with symbols that represent your dreams and goals. Bury an egg in your garden to hatch your wishes or you can bury a raw egg by the entrance to your home to ensure abundance for the forthcoming year and fertility in your garden.

Gemstone Fortunes: I don’t take credit for this. This was a super cool activity I found YEARS ago so I cannot credit the OP. Place charged gemstones inside of beautifully decorated eggs and after an egg hunt, each person can choose an egg and therefore a gemstone. This list breaks down each stone into a simple, singular meaning useful only for gemstone fortunes. All gemstones have many different meanings or have different meanings between cultures.

Gemstone Simple meanings
Amethyst Spirituality
Bloodstone Healing
Carnelian Business
Citrine Communication
Fluorite Knowledge
Green Aventurine Money
Jade Luck
Kyanite Balance
Lapis Lazuli Truth
Moonstone Dreams
Onyx Past Life
Petrified Wood Family
Rose Quartz Relationships
Sunstone Happiness
Snowflake Obsidian Protection
Selenite Meditation

Grab colored plastic eggs from the local grocery store.  Any kind will do, but you can cover bright pastel colors with glitter.  Drop by your local metaphysical store and pick up some smaller common semi-precious stones.  Be sure to get a broad selection and pick up more than you need.  Charge each stone with the specific intent before putting them in the egg.  Also be sure to create small paper cutouts that describe what each stone means in case other members are not aware of your intent when you charged them.

Eat an Egg: It is said that if one eats a hardboiled egg just before sunrise on Ostara morning, they will be healthy and fruitful for the following year.

Detoxification: Consider a short fast or a day or two of detoxification. After a winter of eating rich foods, out bodies often build up toxins. To cleanse, drink herbal teas and spring water, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Avoid sugar, dairy, caffeine, red meats, and processed foods, you will feel lighter and have more energy.

Ostara Milk and Honey Elixir: Mix milk, honey, and sugar together in an earthen bowl as an offering to the earth for the coming spring. Pour half of the elixir into the earth and drink the other half to connect yourself to the offering.

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,