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Ostara Correspondences

Animals: snake, bunny, chick, robin, bears, bees, butterflies, birds, goats, rams

Mythological Animals: Mermaid, dragon, unicorn, Pegasus

Drink: Sweet wine, lemonade, milk, eggnog, cream

Food: Soybeans/ sprouts, roasted ham with pineapple rings, eggs, fresh fruit, fish, dairy foods, seeds, nuts, sweet breads, honey cakes, yellow poppy seed cake, banana bread, chocolate, leafy green vegetables, pine nuts, flower dishes, honey, chard, lemon balm, lettuce, marjoram, spinach, tarragon, thyme

Colors: Green, light blue, red, pink, yellow, silver, gold, white

Gods: The Horned God, Cernunnos, Himeros, Thor, Odin, the Greenman, Lord of the Greenwood, the Dagda, Thoth, Mithras, Pan, Adonis, Attis, Dimuzi, Holly/Oak King, Jesus, Osiris, Tammuz

Goddesses: Astarte Phoenician and Greek fertility goddess, Ashtaroth Herbrew name for Canaanite fertility goddess, Ishtar Babylonian fertility goddess, Eastre Anglo Saxon fertility goddess, Aphrodite, Artemis, Diana, Hera, Ishtar, Cybele, Demeter, Inanna, Matron Aushtriahenea, Nemetona, Persephone, Lady of the Lake

Gemstones: Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone, bloodstone, red jasper, agate, Lapis Lazuli, quartz clear

Incense: Jasmine, light scented florals, sweet garden, rain, sweet/wild flowers, rose, strawberry, Benzoin, Cinnamon, dragon’s blood, frankincense, myrrh, orange peels, sage, violet, lotus, magnolia

Plants: Celandine, clinquefoil, jasmine, rose, tansy, violet, acorn, crocus, daffodil, dogwood, honeysuckle, iris, lily, strawberry, woodruff, jonquils, gorse, olives, peony, narcissus, all spring flowers, lavender, lily of the valley,  thyme, rose hips, meadowsweet, tulip

Symbols: New moon, butterflies, cocoons, bees, bunnies, baskets, sprouting plants, lambs, robins, chicks, painted eggs, robins, honey, athame, basket, cauldron, feather, garden tools, labyrinth, seedlings

Magical Energies: Balance, beauty, beginnings, birth, celebration, cleansing, dawn, dusk, equality, fertility, fertilization, gardening, introspection, life, movement, new growth, new life, nurturing, planting, pollination, pregnancy, preparation, purity, rebirth, renewal, rising light, sex, spring, sun, transition, warmth, youth

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,