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Ouija Boards: Contacting Spirits

The best known case of spirit communication was the subject of several books, most recently singer in the shadows, which can be obtained at most libraries. The case involved a spirit calling itself Patience Worth, who had apparently lived in an earlier century, and was a frustrated poet and novelist. Through the Ouija board and several other forms of spirit communication, a huge amount of poetry and fiction was received over a long period of years. This was the longest sustained period of communication between an entity and a living person. The material makes for some very interesting reading. In her daily life, the communicator was neither a poet nor a writer and seemed to have no more than a mediocre education in the arts. It was decided, therefore, that she could not have been the source of volumes of words, sentences, and rhymes which flowed forth from the voiceless Patience Worth.

Through the board, it is fairly common for sitters to contact an entity who claims to be the ghost or Spirit of someone who has once lived. It is better to have a talk about the intended contact before the session, show pictures or photos to all the sitters, discuss the person and his or her life, but do not take these photos, pictures, or articles into the room. If you feel you have made contact with the person you intend to reach, you should have prepared a list of key questions which are to be asked these questions might include secrets or facts known only to the dead person himself or herself or known by one of the sitters who is not working the board. After a session or sitting, this information can be discussed, checked out with the known information about the person contacted which may be known to other persons, or can be checked in public records.

Communication can often be frustrating, as the planchette may move only slowly, or give fragmentary or partial answers, or may choose not to answer some questions at all. It is also possible that incorrect answers may be given either one time or several times during a sitting. if this is the case, the contact may be repeated in another sitting. It is usually best not to try a second session on the same day or evening, but to let some time elapsed before trying again to get answers needed for identification.

Often, much of the information is merely gibberish or indecipherable scraps of words and sentences, you may have to ask for answers to questions to be repeated more than once. If this occurs, it is best to leave the source and request another, or to discontinue the session until the giver stops or another source comes through on the board. A majority of people will encounter this type of communication more often than any other. It should be determined if this continues whether one of the sitters is exerting more force on the planchette than necessary, and thereby causing it to give the scrambled message. Be certain that only a light, fingertip touch is on the planchette at any time. Otherwise, scrambled garbled messages will result. It would also be wise to choose persons who do not fear the unknown to a great extent. In fact, the more stable the individual is, the better partner he or she might prove in such a sitting. Even a person who is or has been totally skeptical might make a good partner in an investigation or experiment of this type.

It has been theorized that in most cases, a ghostly presence is completely unaware that he or she has died, and is, in essence, still living in the house or structure. It is true that in most cases of actual hauntings, the ghost or presence has no knowledge that anyone else might be in the house. This is easier to understand if you imagine that the actual haunting is more like the replaying of a videotape on a VCR, and that past events are repeating themselves over and over, unaware the time has passed or the anything has changed. Therefore, it maybe difficult for you to make the ghost aware of you or the Ouija board you have brought as a means of communication. It could be that several sessions in the house may be necessary before good contact can be made. Sometimes contact is made almost immediately and the session can proceed without problems or interruptions.

The spirit may be questioned thoroughly and a complete record can be made of the answers. If you find there is an interruption to your session or that a second source seems to be trying to come you should ask:

  1. Is there someone else with us?
  2. Do you have something to say to us?
  3. How many people are there?

If you are given a name, then you may continue to ask questions using either or or both names. Or you can switch to the interrupting entity and begin the question and answer procedure from the beginning.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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