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Painting Dios de la Muertos Skulls

My best friend and her boyfriend came to visit me and we had a wonderful time drinking dragon fruit margaritas and painting Day of the Dead sugar skulls. Samhain is coming, and with it a plethora of super cool things in stores. Add in some sopapilla and dulce and chips and queso and you now have an amazing evening. We found them for $10 each at Target. They are ceramic skulls that light up and it was a very enjoyable time. We put on Disney’s Coco and were singing along and watching it for inspiration for the skulls as we painted. Arts and crafts are a great way to bond and enjoy time with friends and family. It helps you destress and can often be an incredible accomplishment or conversation piece in your home. Whenever I see my completed sugar skull, I think of the wonderful time I had with them both.

The skulls are a plain white so they are a perfect blank template to work with. We each took a different approach to our skulls. My Bestie went with a more modern, almost masquerade influence. Her boyfriend had a more traditional approach and I went with a galaxy inspired look. It matches my Believe in Magic art project that I did and I love it!

The finished product came out great and looks even better when they are all lit up! I hope this helped to inspire you and bring you ideas of things to do with friends and family! It is the memories we make that bring us the greatest joys in life.

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From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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