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Plants vs. Fake Plants Part 2

I wasn’t quite done in my new attempts to greenify up my home! Once again, I adore plants and need them in my life but I cannot keep them alive! A total shame really….. My little black thumb was inherited from my mother who also cannot keep anything alive. I will never forget the day that she pulled a hydrangea out of the pot, put it in some freshly dug clay at high noon one summer day in North Carolina, covered it with some soil, and called it good. She said that ‘it better be hardy or it wasn’t meant to live’. Dad and I laughed, watered it, and told her that she had to at least give it A CHANCE! I am not as bad as my mother but I have still managed to kill most things, including drought resistant plants that require water once a month…..

My third plant experiment was a compilation of some extra colors and repotting another fake plant I got at Halloween last year. The arrangement is awesome but the pot it plain and black and uninteresting. So I decided to dress it up a bit!

I like the end result but I also was out of spooky additions. I plan to leave it like it is for now and then add some more when they are back in stores this fall. All in all, a cute end result!

It looks great on my guest bed that APPARENTLY the kitties have bene running across if the rumpled blanket is anything to go by.

My final one didn’t come out quite the way I wanted it to. Of the four, this is my least favorite, although it is still cute. I just couldn’t seem to get the right look that clicked in my brain.

It looks alright in the guest bedroom but it could certainly be better. I may redo this one in the future once I have invested in some more plants to add to it. Real vs. fake may not be for everyone but it is working out well for me! At least 75% of it is!

Have a bonus picture of Charlemagne helping me out from last time! What a photogenic little familiar!

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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