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Birthstone: N/A
Meaning: Abundance
Chakras: All Chakras
Zodiac: Taurus, Leo
Planet: Sun, Mars
MOH’s Scale: 6-6.5
Element: Fire, Earth
God/Goddess: All sun gods, Ra, Inti, Sol, Suryadev, Huitzilopochtli, Amaterasu Ōmikami
Anniversary Gift: N/A

The mineral pyrite or iron pyrite, also known as fool’s gold, is an iron sulfide. It has a golden-yellow metallic shine and color, mimicking the tone of real gold. Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral. Pyrite’s metallic luster and pale brass-yellow hue give it a superficial resemblance to gold, hence the well-known nickname of fool’s gold. While brass-yellow is its usual color, it shows many inclusions of silver, black, brown, red, orange, green, and blue colors.

The name pyrite is derived from the Greek πυρίτης λίθος (pyritēs lithos), ‘stone or mineral which strikes fire’, in turn from πῦρ (pŷr), ‘fire’. The crystal was mostly known for its fire-starting abilities at the time. In ancient Roman times, this name was applied to several types of stone that would create sparks when struck against steel; Pliny the Elder described one of them as being brassy, almost certainly a reference to what is now called pyrite. By 1550, the term had become a generic term for all of the sulfide minerals.

Pyrite is the most common of sulfide minerals and is widespread in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, as well as in coal beds and as a replacement mineral in fossils, but has also been identified in the sclerites of scaly-foot gastropods. It is a common accessory mineral in igneous rocks, where it also occasionally occurs as larger masses arising from an immiscible sulfide phase in the original magma. It is found in metamorphic rocks as a product of contact metamorphism. It also forms as a high-temperature hydrothermal mineral, though it occasionally forms at lower temperatures.

Pyrite usually forms cuboid crystals, sometimes forming in close association to form raspberry-shaped masses called framboids. However, under certain circumstances, it can form anastomosing filaments or T-shaped crystals. Pyrite can also form shapes almost the same as a regular dodecahedron, known as pyritohedra, and this suggests an explanation for the artificial geometrical models found in Europe as early as the 5th century BC.

Iron pyrite is unstable when exposed to the oxidizing conditions prevailing at the Earth’s surface: iron pyrite in contact with atmospheric oxygen and water, or damp, ultimately decomposes into iron oxyhydroxides and sulfuric acid. Pyrite oxidation is sufficiently exothermic that underground coal mines in high-sulfur coal seams have occasionally had serious problems with spontaneous combustion.

Pyrite is widely distributed from Peru, Namibia, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Italy, Kazakhstan, and the United States. Rio Tinto, Spain stands out for its abundant pyrite resources. It has one of the largest reserves in the world. Elba is an Italian island that has made quite a name for itself due to its large and impressive pyrite crystals. It’s one of the places renowned for this geological phenomenon.

Pyrite jewelry has been used for 4,000 years, everything from rings, bracelets, and talismans dating back to 2600 B.C. and it’s no surprise many ancient cultures associate this crystal with sun deities, spirits, and Gods. Native Americans regarded Pyrite as the Stone of Wealth, much like ancient Egyptian, Hindu, Norse, Incan, Aztec, and Japanese cultures.

In ancient Greece and Rome, it was a Stone of Protection. Pyrite brings clarity and facilitates higher knowing while opening the mind. Psychics and seers at the time used it for divination.

Pyrite is used with flintstone and a form of tinder made of stringybark by the Kaurna people of South Australia, as a traditional method of starting fires.

In the beliefs of the Thai people, pyrite is believed to be a sacred item that has the power to prevent evil, black magic or demons.

It was also part of mirrors in the Middle Ages and jewelry in the Victorian Era.

Pyrite has been used since classical times to manufacture copperas (ferrous sulfate). Iron pyrite was heaped up and allowed to weather (an example of an early form of heap leaching). The acidic runoff from the heap was then boiled with iron to produce iron sulfate. In the 15th century, new methods of such leaching began to replace the burning of sulfur as a source of sulfuric acid. By the 19th century, it had become the dominant method.

Pyrite enjoyed brief popularity in the 16th and 17th centuries as a source of ignition in early firearms, most notably the wheellock, where a sample of pyrite was placed against a circular file to strike the sparks needed to fire the gun.

During the Gold Rush in California, many gold hunters were tricked by Pyrite. Real gold is found in Pyrite, but in a negligible amount. It’s called invisible gold.

Pyrite remains in commercial use for the production of sulfur dioxide, for use in such applications as the paper industry, and in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

Pyrite Sun Disc

Pyrite is the stone of abundance and prosperity. Once again, it is ‘fool’s gold’ and known as a stone of luck, blessings, and manifestation, especially with regards to wealth and prosperity. The best way to attract prosperity with pyrite is by charging it with the early morning sun then placing it in your wallet or purse. Sunlight energizes the stone with vital life force energy, while moonlight infuses it with more gentle and intuitive powers.

Pyrite is a balancing stone that helps you stop the mind chatter and negative self-talk. You’ll find it easier to focus on work or career with a charged pyrite by your side. Besides improving mental clarity, pyrite enhances foresight, intuition, and awareness. Pyrite lights the inner fire. It makes you optimistic, hopeful, and confident by having a positive outlook in life. Wearing pyrite jewelry or keeping pyrite stones in shared spaces can create an atmosphere of positivity and harmony among people.

Witch Tip: The best way to light your inner fire with Pyrite is by charging it with Fire energy. Pyrite is also thought to enhance mental clarity and focus, making it an excellent companion for tasks that require concentration and problem-solving. Charge the crystal with positive affirmations or intentions to help you concentrate before placing it on your work desk. Pyrite will unblock your creative energies and increase self-confidence and enthusiasm. To further enhance your workplace, pyrite will help you to manage challenging situations.

It activates Kundalini energy and helps you to feel stronger, healthier, and more powerful when pyrite activates the life force inside you. It brings confidence, assertiveness, and grounding while increasing energy to overcome fatigue. Activate Pyrite by keeping it under sunlight for about five minutes. Next, place it on your pelvic area to activate the kundalini energy.  You can also activate Pyrite for spiritual transformation by charging it with the healing sounds of singing bowls. For this, place the crystal next to the bowl when playing it.

Spiritually, pyrite is associated with grounding and protection. It is believed to create a shield of energy around the user, guarding against negative influences and energies.  It will help you see behind a façade and clear out negative vibrations. Pyrite will activate all seven of the body’s chakras as well as unblock the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. Pyrite aligns with the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by cleansing, clearing, activating, and stimulating the activity of the Solar Plexus Chakra.

In terms of Feng Shui, pyrite can be placed in the northeast and southwest corners of a home for Earth energy associated with love, relationships, education, and abilities, bringing in lots of positive energy. It can also be placed in the south of a home for Fire energy associated with warmth, excitement, and well-being, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Placing pyrite strategically in your home can bring positive energy and prosperity. To incorporate pyrite into your home, consider placing tumbled pyrite stones in decorative bowls or creating pyrite crystal grids. Pyrite clusters or pyrite-infused candles can add an elegant touch to your interior while promoting positive energies. You can keep a pyrite paperweight on your desk or carry a small pyrite pocket stone in your pocket or purse. These subtle yet effective ways of using pyrite can enhance focus, productivity, and self-assurance throughout the workday.

This is a beautiful and powerful mineral known for its protective properties, encouraging inner strength and unlocking your warrior energy. Pyrite is a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

Pyrite stimulates creative energies and nurtures fresh ideas, enhancing your self-confidence to speak your mind. It improves creative thoughts, discussions, and answers as well as clearing out toxic thinking. It helps you discover spiritual destiny, besides boosting self-reflection, awareness, and contemplation for karmic therapy.

Pyrite is also considered a stone of manifestation, helping one to turn their dreams and desires into reality by attracting abundance and prosperity, especially if they’re part of your spiritual destiny. After charging it with fire energy, set a manifestation grid with pyrite in the center. Use it as a great meditation or divination tool. Pyrite has been regarded as a stone of protection and connection to the divine in various cultures. Some people use pyrite during prayers or meditation to enhance their spiritual experiences and foster a deeper relationship with the higher realms.

It will enhance your memory so it can be helpful to carry it with you when you are studying or when you are taking an exam. This is an excellent stone for overcoming anxiety and depression because it helps you to gradually let go of irrational anxieties and to replacing them with empowerment, emotional stability, and self-assurance. Pyrite will help keep the user spiritually and emotionally safe.

As a stone of protection and centering, it has a defending/preventing quality. It shields one from many forms of negative energy as well as protects from harm and danger. Pyrite encourages strength and reawakens the senses.

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