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R.I.P. Nikolai Romanov

My sweet precious baby boy has finally passed away after dealing with a lot of health complications from old age and it took me a while to be able to write about it. One of the little cats from my cauldron has crossed the rainbow bridge and left us for now. It was easily the absolute hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I had him for a very long time and he was 14 and a half years when he passed. I couldn’t be more grateful to have had him in my life. He helped my mental health in so many ways. I absolutely miss his sweet meow, his warm cuddles, and his happy chirpy greetings the second I walk in the door.

I miss him very much and my husband had a lot of trouble dealing as well. Niku was such a joy in our lives and he is absolutely missed. He left us peacefully with the two of us holding his paws and petting him.

We received his ashes back and a sweet pawprint. Each day, we try to light an incense in his memory because he was such a huge part of our life. My husband got me a wind chime for the door and every time we hear it, we think of Niku.

Interested in a topic of your own? Just ask here and I will be glad to post it!
Instagram: 3 Cats and Cauldron
TikTok: 3 Cats and a Cauldron

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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