Request a topic

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Is there a specific topic you are interested in my writing about? If there is something you are interested in but information is difficult to come by or so numerous it is hard to sift through, let me know and I will be glad to write a post just for you!

The first topic I have been requested was stones and gems so that will be the first Witchy Asks! What are you interested in?

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,

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4 years ago

Hello! So I really want to get into Tarot reading, would you be able to do a topic or 2 on Tarot readings? Thank you and Blessed Be!

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson
2 years ago

If like to know more about crystal grids & wards; Thankyou said

2 years ago

Hi. I’m a very disorganized witch. I save all kinds of bottles and earthy things to use and would love to hear how others organize and store such things!

1 year ago

I am curious to know if there is a meaning or process behind a hag stone that breaks.

7 months ago

What is a smutty nosed cat?