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Samhain Correspondences

Samhain can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people. These are just a few of the many associations with Samhain. If some of these you are not familiar with, such as a God or Goddess you have never heard of, take the time to research them and you might be surprised and delighted by a new story or religion to enjoy!

Animals: Bats, cats, spiders, owls, ravens, crows, dove, boar, cow, dog, stag

Mythological: The Pumpkin King, Medusa

Gods: Anubis, Bran, Cernunnos, Hades, Pluto, Herne, Odin, Osiris, Loki, Arawn, Belenus, Dagda

Goddesses: Arianhrod, Baba Yaga, Cailleach, Cerridwen, Hecate, Hel, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Lilith, Matcha, Morrigan, Persephone, Rhiannon, Psyche, Bast, Banba, Durga, Kali, Hathor

Ruling Planet: Venus, Pluto

Drink: Cider, mead, mulled wine

Food: Allspice, apples, cinnamon, corn, gourds, meats, beef, pork, poultry, pumpkins, root vegetables, rosemary, sage, turnips, nuts, pecans, pears, pomegranates, soul cakes, stuffed game birds, taffy apples, gingerbread, potatoes, turnips,

Colors: Black, green, grey, orange, purple, green, white, silver, gold, dark blue, green

Gemstones: Apache tears, carnelian, obsidian, onyx, smokey quartz, amethyst, jet, petrified wood, amber, fossils, sandstone, turquoise, tourmaline, beryl, opal

Incense: Benzoin, copal, rosemary, heliotrope, sandalwood, sweetgrass, helitrope, mint, nutmeg,

Plants/oils: Apple leaf, calendula, gourds, grains, mugwort, , pinecones, pumpkins and seeds, rue, vines, wormwood, cypress, marjoram, catnip, allspice, lavender, nutmeg, patchouli, rosemary, parsley, sage, deadly nightshade, straw, mandrake root, heather, mullein seeds, patchouli, acorns, apples, oak leaves, oak moss, straw, fern, flax, sunflower petals and seeds, mushrooms, wild ginseng, tarragon, bay leaf, almond, hazelnut, passionflower, pine needles, nettle, garlic, hemlock cones, beech tree, blackthorn, locust, pomegranate, willow, witch hazel, yew, angelica, pennyroyal, thyme, burdock, crocus, viburnum, lilies, cosmos, orange, clove, cherry, myrrh

Symbols: Ancestral photo, bat, black cat, broomstick, cauldron, coffin, crossroads, Faeries, ghost, ghoul, jack-o-lantern, mirror, pumpkin, skeletons, bones, skull, tombstones, sickle or scythe, wine, besoms, masks, apples, pendulum, scarecrows, waning moon

Tarot Card: Death

Rune: Othala

Magickal Energies: Ancestors, astral travel, battle, changes, chaos, competitions, courage, crossroads, darkness, death, decisions, divination, harvest, honoring the dead, knowledge, life changes, memorials, mortality, night, Otherworld, politics, sacrifice, scrying, séance, shadows, souls, spirit contact, transformation, transitions, truth, Underworld, visions, wisdom

From our altar to yours, with love from the sea,